Sunday, September 27, 2009

Spiral Galaxy by Cynthia Ann Morgan

Cool challenge...lots of beautiful images from space to choose from. I chose a spiral galaxy called the Whirlpool Galaxy some 25 million light-years away. My different technique was discharge. I sprayed and brushed on diluted bleach to a piece of green hand dyed cotton, to get the general spiral effect...then I added highlights and shaping and some metallic thread quilting.
Update: I added a few minor elements - the photo on the left is the revised piece. Had some advice about some darker contrasts and some sparkly, so decided to do some subtle changes...which I like! Had a mishap with the foil glue and the foil looked like globs plopped onto top. Mother of invention...I found I could "reshape" the foil with quilting around it, plus it looks more integrated that way and less of the afterthought that it was.

Comments and greetings welcome!


Thanks to Cherie for an exciting challenge!


  1. Thanks in advance for your comments!

  2. Wonderful interpretation Cynthia! I can feel myself being pulled into the depths. What if there were more sparkle/shine in the very center (if it represents the hottest spot)?
    It is beautiful and full of energy!

  3. Another great piece Cynthia. I really like that you used complementary colors so effectively in your design.

  4. Wonderful design and very complex use of colors. I love it!

  5. I like how your quilting defines the spirals in the fabric. Nice work.

  6. I love this piece, the colors, the spiral, everything. Only positive comments on this one.

  7. This is beautiful Cynthia, it really draws the eye into the center. It kind of reminds me of a hurricane, but has a peaceful feel to it. I guess galaxy's and hurricanes do have a lot in common. You really have a nice touch with your quilting, it always adds another dimension of beauty to your quilts.

  8. The discharged fabric made a great background for the swril. Good placement of highlights and as always, wonderful quilting.

  9. Absolutely beautiful, Cynthia! The discharging was a great idea. I really like the colors--very calm and soothing. If you wanted to give it more "pop," I wonder if adding a few more lines of a dark color right up against the white would create that contrast? Your quilting really provides nice details.

  10. Subtle indeed, but the small changes have served to further inhance the 'pull' of the center. I like it a lot "-)

  11. Very nice changes. The foil is subtle, but it draws me in for a closer look!

  12. Hi Cynthia, I like the first picture and i Love the new one. As always it is easy to look at anfd very deep
    Pat Havey

  13. Nice piece. I think this is my fav so far. The colors blend well but the added contracts of light, dark and orange bits work well. The center circler helps to draw you down/in to create a wonderful sensation of movement.

  14. Hi Cynthia - I love the movement implicit in a spiral and yours definitely seems on the move. Your placement of the subtle colors draws me into the piece. And, as always, your quilting brings more life to the work. Too good.

  15. Great piece! Your use of the reds is so effective in enhancing the shape of the spiral and creating movement. I think your use of bleach discharge was very brave.

  16. Great job. It really looks like it could be from outer space.
    I like the discharging. I'll have to try that sometime.

  17. Really a beautiful piece. The discharge was a great way to get the spiral feeling of movement. The revised piece has more "snap" and draws the viewer into the interesting smaller elements. I also enjoyed the off-center composition, very effective.


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