Monday, September 28, 2009

Flamboyant Galaxy

Like Chris, I've had this piece and have been agonizing over next steps. It started as an abstract drawing which morphed into a small 8x11 piece and then I enlarged it to the current size - 45x36. In the pictures, Galaxy 3 has the black/white trim on two corners; Galaxy 2 has more black/white trim in the body; and in Galaxy 1 I also added some more moons in the lower right corner. I've looked at this piece for so long that it's become difficult for me to separate what works and what doesn't. So I'm posting it to this challenge. Thanks for you input!


  1. Kathy I like the galactic imagination that you brought to this piece. It has colour and movement and I love the black background. I think I like the first one the best because of the balance of markings in the two corners.
    Ricky in Winnipeg

  2. What a fun and fanciful galaxy this is Ricky! I like the Galaxy 3...The two opposing corners seem to define without closing the design in. What if you added the moons on G3 as you did on G1? Love your background really feels like deep space. Good job

  3. Hi Kathy, I think they are good pieces, but more garden-like than galaxy-like. I think the background and color/value contrasts are really good. The trim may be adding to the garden feel, like a structure..fence or trellis. What if the white lines were more organic/curved? Also most of the moons are similiar sizes...what if there was more variety in size? I definitely like the view with more moons outside the ring.
    Thanks for sharing the different views...that is helpful to everyone!

  4. Cynthia said most of what I thought so I won't repeat it. I'm thinking that the straight row quilting is adding to the garden look. What would happen if you overlayed another dimension of quilting in more organic lines? What if you added one large planet that the moons revolve around and maybe spiral quilting lines around some of the moons? Would any of that make it seem more like space?

  5. Thanks for the great suggestions. I'm going to play with some of those ideas. Looking more garden like - that's interesting - since I like to do a lot of landscapes and florals. Guess I can't get away from them - they come out intuitively in something that's supposed to be very different!

  6. Kathy,
    Thanks for posting all three versions. I, too, like G3's more simplistic border and would like to see more moons outside the ring as in G1. Nice variety of colors and I especially like the background fabric.


  7. Kathy, I know how you feel, it is very hard for me to work more abstractly since I also prefer landscapes and florals. I forgot to say how much I love the colors you used on this piece and your 'intuitive' garden color sense is wonderful!

  8. Hi Kathy - Thanks for sharing the three pictures and your process as you worked on this piece. Like some others, I saw a circle of flowers when I first looked. And I loved the interesting flower shapes you had created. Maybe it is a space garden instead of a galaxy.

  9. I also appreciate seeing the three versions. I see mostly organic shapes connected to one another with moons in the background. What if the moons were grouped in a way that looked like there was one system of objects - the abstract shapes - on top of or overlaying a part of another system represented by the moons. Perhaps grouping the moons toward the lower right. Just a random thought - for what it's worth. A fun and imaginative piece.

  10. A lot of work here. I am amazed you could stay with this piece through so many iterations. I think the background fabric adds to the feeling of space. You have so many interesting elements it's hard to decide which one to focus on. What if you only had three of them floating in space? The entertwined pieces are bewitching.


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