Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sun Storm 12"x19"

For this piece I got brave and actually used my new Babylock Embellisher! I have had it since July and hadn't even plugged it in...haa

The sun is entirely created on the embellisher, and then zapped with heat to bubble and create 'holes' into lower levels of fabric. I don't even know how many different fabrics and fibers I felted together, maybe 20 or more, organza, chiffon, metallic lame, tulle, metallic studded net and was so much fun I didn't want to stop LOL.

The background/'flames' are done with silk hankie in several colors and white, chiffon, metallic etc , then thread painted and quilted with different metallics as well as monofiliment.

The sun is appliqued onto the background and a very deep burgundy metallic and fuzzy textured yarn is couched along the edge to create a sense of depth.

Your comments are as always welcome and appreciated :-)



  1. Cherie, I'd say your embellisher was a great purchase for you...I was amazed to read all you have to create this piece. It is compelling to see and drew me in for a closer view. Chris

  2. Hi Cherie, love the heat of this piece as well as the bits of glimmer. The couched fiber around the sun is very effective in giving some definition. Did you consider some definition for the sun flares? Might look good and give more drama?
    It's a beautiful piece, congrats!

  3. Cherie, very nice! It was interesting to see how you treated this subject..which happens to be the same as mine!!! I like your dark around the sun to make it pop and all the values around the flares.

  4. The quilting caught my eye on this piece - very good definition and heat.

  5. Cherie, this is so hot- it's cool! Your embellishing really sets off the sun, and I love the way the flames radiate away from the sun. I think it was a good choice to offset the sun, as it creates more interest and movement. Fantastic!

  6. Beautiful quilt. I, too, would like to see more definition around the flames to highlight the lighter centers. I envy your quilting-- I don't have a good relationship with my free motion foot.


  7. WOW! This has so much heat. Your quilting is sonderful. Looks like you had fun felting.
    Pat Havey

  8. This is terrific. Your felting is incredibly effective. I am amazed at the effectiveness of the couching around the sun. I am inspired to go get my Babylock embellisher out of its box.

    A wonderful response to the challenge!

  9. Thanks to all! This is one of my favorite subjects to quilt (outer space I mean). I am so amazed to see the work everyone is producing!


  10. Very nice-the white hankies add great texture and complement the yarn around the sun enhancing the focus of it. Without that thread, it might have sunk away into the background.

  11. Hi Cherie - The work you did to create the sun was very worthwhile. It appears more distinct and closer to the viewer in contrast with the less defined areas of the background. Your quilting on this piece adds another excellent dimension. Good stuff!

  12. As lovely as all the embellishing is and the great felted layers are, the design of this piece is really strong. The focal point is placed well - your color scheme conveys the theme and the use of accent colors is wonderful. I love how the planet is edged just a bit with the darker red to make it pop! LOVE IT!

  13. Absolutely gorgeous....
    My embellisher is a Baby Lock as well. I got it for Christmas and haven't done much with it. Your piece is really inspiring. Oh, if only I could slow down time.


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