Sunday, October 04, 2009

Challenge 37, Pam Clark

This is my first fast friday challenge. I chose to use some new products that I hadn't tried before. I started with Angelina film. I layed strands of fibers between two layers of film and ironed to hold the fibers in place. I cut the film into a half moon shape and stitched it onto my dark background. I had never tried fiber painting before, so I painted around the planet to look like reflections coming off the surface. I also painted a small moon and a swirling nebula. I couched decorative fibers around the planet, across the planet and throughout the piece. I quilted with metallic threads to add glitz, added some Angelina fibers to the surface of the planet, and sewed on a few beads. I'm not really happy with the outcome, since I feel that my planet is too shiny, but I did learn how to use the Angelina film and how to fiber paint. Your comments are welcome.


  1. Hi Pam, glad you're here and participating in the challenge. And what a nice start you've made! This looks like a party in the sky...very lively and colorful. I'm wondering if there's a little bit too much going on though. Either less in the planet or less in the sky could more focus to the piece. You did get some fabulous effects on the planet...great job!

  2. WOW!! I like this piece and welcome to the group. Lots of fun and I wouldn't change a thing. I really enjoy all the "glitz" and movement.


  3. Hi, Pam. I see that you are a 'firsty', too! I really like your color choices because they are happy colors to me. Your piece reminds me of sparklers popping in the sky, but myy eye was drawn immediately to the little moon thingy that you made. For some reason I just love that spot. See you around the blog!


  4. Welcome Pam...
    It's so fun to read about all the new things you tried in this quilt. Your planet looks great and I especially like the decorative metallic stitching adding so much movement!
    Well done!

  5. I like all your glitz in this piece and your use of decorative stitches. I think your background fabric adds just the right touch.

  6. Welcome to the group. I am a "firstie" too. Very exciting piece. I like the machine metallic strands. what is Angilina film? I have used fibers but not sure what the film is?...You have captured the sense of movement very well in your piece. Donna


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