Saturday, October 03, 2009


"Cosmos" Is a Mixed media piece. I started with Black canvas and used paper towel with SPaint stick rubbings, decorative rice paper, cheese cloth, metallic paint, beads. I had fun playing with this piece and using some mixed media that I am not used to working with. I think it may be to crowded but still enjoyed the process. Coments welcome
Rita Legere


  1. Hi Rita, good to have you here and see your experimental piece. It's interesting to see the effects you got with the different techniques. I agree with your assessment that the finished piece is too crowded with maybe too much going on. Maybe 1 or 2 less effects would have allowed your spirals to be more visible?
    Looking forward to seeing more of your work

  2. Hi Rita
    I really love the colors, especially the cheesecloth spiral. I also agree with both you and's a bit too crowded to really see the effects of all those wonderful techniques. Perhaps either rice paper OR papertowel would suffice? Sounds like you had fun...glad you've joined us...

  3. Great use of mixed media. It could use a focal point to eliminate the crowded feeling. Otherwise it seems like an exercise of spirit.

  4. I wonder what might happen if you did a translucent gray wash over everything except the blue cheesecloth spiral. You might end up with a textured but less distracting background and the spiral as more of a focus. I looks as though you had a great time playing with this--valuable in itself for sure!

  5. Hi Rita - I'm glad you enjoyed the process of making this piece. Sometimes it is fun to keep layering one technique on top of another until it pleases you. My only suggestion would be to use a more saturated color for the spiral - the soft color tends to blend in with the background instead of having a bit of pop. Keep on having fun!

  6. It reads more interesting looking at the close up. I would imagine a few different colors would make it pop - right now it's very monochromatic.

  7. I think if you just brightened the spiral, you would achieve the balance needed. Great textures in the piece.

  8. Nice texture you created. It does seem to need more focus, IMHO. Perhaps even some larger beads would do the trick.


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