Saturday, October 03, 2009


12" x 16"
commercial fabrics
angelina fiber
metallic thread
This piece is recycled from a couple of years ago. I've never posted an "oldie" before but I hope it will get me back in the swing of Fast Friday. I don't know why I stuck this piece away on the "experiments that didn't grow up into real quilts" shelf.
Now I hope to spend some time looking further at all the wonderful work I've noticed for this challenge. Your comments are always welcome.


  1. So good to see you're back Roberta :-)

    The 'perspective' in this quilt is great. I love the colors too! Hope your "brain freeze" thaws before winter LOL.

  2. Hi Roberta, this does have a planets look to it...very cool textures to the fabrics and with the added embellishments. The bright orange is great with all those blackened colors, too
    Good to see you back!

  3. I hope you don't mind me saying but for perspective the most distance object should be muted/darker and the foreground brighter. Darker objects recede- that said the composition, position of the heavenly bodies works well to provide a feeling of travel, like I'm actually there.

  4. That bright orange piece looks to me like the sun glimpsed behind hoards of planets and moons. VERY cool effect! This is one case where that bright to muted rule was meant to be broken. Considering that you made this with no thought of the current challenge, I'd say it is wonderfully successful.

  5. I love how the shapes overlap in this piece - also the use of color and neutrals. I especially find the crop of it nice - you really bring the edge into play. As an aside, I find the lower beads distracting.

  6. I like the piece and if you think about it, the color wheel is present with the orange and blue making the brown. Great use of color and varying shapes.


  7. I like the perspective and the orange peeking through all the other shapes. The beads and the interesting brownish circle in the lower left add a lot.

  8. I see this as a definite sun and the other planets are dark since we are seeing the backside of them. Love the little bead that looks very much like a space capsule, somewhere out there!


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