Friday, October 02, 2009

Kalahari from Space

I decided to do something a little different for this challenge and use a photo of earth taken from 400 miles above the surface. I'm posting the photo here as well as my attempt to interpret it. As someone on the internet said, from that distance, Earth is abstract art. I have to admit that I'm not terribly happy with this. I'd like it to have a little more 'fire.' But at least it's a little different. I started with a plain yellow background and then added lines of color with almost everything in my arsenal--crayolas, ink pens, Sharpies, pencils, etc. Stitched on top of all of that. The photo on the right is the original satellite photo.

Thanks for a fun challenge! Comments and suggestions welcome!


  1. I believe you captured the photo very well. Quilting is good. The photo seems to have more bright spots whereas your piece seems more of one color or maybe it's more of the same value. Can you add some more "fire" with paints?

  2. I'm so happy to see the "from" outer space used. You have done a remarkable job interpreting the photo. I too would love to see a bit more 'punch' to the colors. What if you added an overlay of a sheer tulle or chiffon to intensify and add dimension?
    Nice work

  3. I had the same feeling that both of you had, and kept adding more layers of color, but nothing really did much. I think if I had started with paint, I would have achieved the intensity that is missing. The media I used are all paler by nature. Next time... LOL

  4. Hi Suzanne, it's fun to see the different approach you took. It's a cool idea. My only comments are about cropping so the main focus is more off center...and having more intensity in the background. There are alot of black broken lines in the photo as well as white/light horizontal blocks. It might be fun to add the black lines and light block elements in fused applique and/or couched fibers.
    So glad you joined the group. Good job and I look forward to seeing more of your work.

  5. Hi Cynthia, you're right about all of that, but i think I'm tired of fooling with this piece. It may be possible to make it a LITTLE better, but not much. I don't often cut my losses, but I think I will on this. And maybe some day in the future, I will literally CUT it. Parts may appear elsewhere. Not for the first time for me. But yes, cropping would be a big help as would the lines you suggest. Just probably not enough.

  6. I know what that's like....sometimes I just get sick of a piece and don't want to invest any more time in it...I've got a box of pieces like that!

  7. I think this piece is successful. As for more fire- try adding overlapping sheers- net, organza, dryer sheets and even cheesecloth.

  8. Great suggestions, Wen. Maybe if I let this sit long enough, I'll feel more like having another shot at it. It's SO not my more typical bright colors that I'm having a harder than usual time with it.

  9. Hi Suzanne - I love it that you just kept on adding color with every tool you had - but still didn't get where you wanted to be. I think some black lines and red bits would wake it up. I think this is a piece you really might want to come back to -I see a lot of potential in it.

  10. Thanks, Roberta. I MAY get there one day. Meanwhile, I appreciate the encouragement from EVERYONE. Thanks to all. Great challenge!

  11. Hi Suzanne, Love the photo you worked from I think this is a great so far...even though you are tired of working on it maybe if you put it aside and come back to it you will be inspired. It reminds me somewhat of your journal quilt that you added all that wonderful embroidery to.


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