Friday, October 02, 2009


Saturn 16" x 16"
Discharged black cotton. A little bit of paint and a lot of thread. Metallic threads in the rings and black thread on black background don't make for good photography!
Thanks for another great challenge!


  1. Wow! This is awesome! I just love the composition and the quilting is phenomenal. You have hit the design composition sweet spot!! LOL

  2. This is fabulous. Everything from the composition to the colors to the quilting is just right!

  3. Great quilting. Your piece focuses on the off-center cropping which is fabulous. color choice and quilting add a lot.

  4. Very, very nice. I love the composition as well, and your quilting is amazing!

  5. Spectacular Kathy! The discharge is perfect! Did you also discharge the rings, or are they a different fabric? Your quilting is simply awesome! Great job...

  6. Hi Kathy, really cool it. It feels crisp but has lots of texture, and the variations in the fabrics add so much depth and interest. Great job

  7. Great quilting! I like how the main focus is off center and just a section of it. Well done

  8. Thank you all for your generous comments! My goal this year is to concentrate more on my quilting so I am happy it has received many mentions.
    Cherie asked about the rings - they are also discharged although they were done as "part 2" of the sequence and I stopped the bleaching a little sooner. I also dry brushed a little Stewart Gill paint on the rings before quilting.

  9. Love this piece. It has such depth, and as others have said, the quilting is great.

  10. Hi Kathy - This is a WOW! piece. The placement of the planet, the colors, the quilting - they are all excellent. The only thing I might change would be the background quilting - I think a series of interconnected spirals would have added to the space theme. But, really, this is so good just as it is. Super work!

  11. I love love love the quilting in this piece. Your use of negative quiet space is perfect and pleasing. The crop of the planet is perfect and I love how the edges of your piece come into play! Just a job well done!!

  12. Love the quilting - it makes the black pop just the right way.

  13. Hi Kathy,
    This is really awesome as many have already said. You should be very proud of the job you have done on this challenge, Great quilting, cool use of the discharging technique and a beautiful piece. Wish I could see this in person.

  14. Wow ! Awsome piece. Your quilting is outstanding and adds so much to the composition. The off center position of the planet really draws the viewer into the rings. The lovely apricot color of the black when discharged was very effective. Is the planet an applique or how did you keep the edges so sharp? Beautiful piece.

  15. Great piece Kathy, I wouldn't change a thing!

  16. Donna, Thanks for asking! To get the sharp edges I made a freezer paper resist and "painted" on Soft Scrub with Bleach. It is not my favorite discharging chemical concoction, but it has the benefit of being pre-thickened.


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