Sunday, October 04, 2009

Challenge #37 - full mOOn reflections by Wen Redmond

Photo that amazed me to create my piece 'full mOOn reflections'. Note the symmetrically of the centered moon. This is taken at sunset, North Pole. Just had to share it.

Going crazy getting ready for Fall shows and itchin' to participate in this challenge, I realized I have a piece that fits the 'bill'. I hope this isn't considered cheating but that's what I'm goin' do. My piece is called Full mOOn Reflections. I hope you'll give me feedback. Happy Fall All!!Full mOOn Reflections has several layers, and a circle was cut directly in the main piece. I used this elsewhere in the piece, repeating the circle motif. Medium was used on sections to see how it affected the transparency and texture. It was mono-printed, painted and dyed using silk noil, and organza. Mounted on painted rayon and poly stabilizer. Stitching
I wrote text in the bottom that I forgot to add, it says "Awaken! It comes to you, Extraordinary!"


  1. I really like the use of blue and neutrals in your piece. The transparency really gives it a light airy feel of space. The surface design work is really interesting and draws you in. I'm wondering - what if the focal point of the blue moon was taken more off center instead of in the lower middle?

  2. Hi Wen - This piece really grabs me. I particularly like the repetition of the circles and the bits of orange you added to give a little diversion from the monochromatic scheme. And Happy Fall to you too!

  3. Hi Wen, interesting piece...very ethereal feeling to it. The touches of turquoise and orange are wonderful. My only comment is about the circle elements...they seem to be lined up in rows in a few areas which seems too ordered and even...Perhaps a few of the orange circles in another size/shape in another area?

  4. Wen, Nice piece but I would like to see the bottom big circle off set to the right(as I am looking at it) as there are a number of smaller shadow circles on the left. The complimentary color really adds to piece.


  5. Thank you all for taking the time to write. The title explains why 2 larger circles are in line, not off center. This is a reflections- in the sky, off water, but I get your meaning.

  6. Hi Wen...
    Fascinating piece! I keep looking at it again, every time seeing something more...well done!

  7. I'm wondering if the reflections idea would be more clear if piece was upended? The bottom moon is more substantial than the subtle top moon. So the brain doesn't make sense of it as a reflection and it looks more like 2 circles lined up rather than a moon and it's reflection.

  8. I love all the layers and complexity to this piece. Your use of large and small elements adds to the piece. Very nice!


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