Monday, October 26, 2009

Just Passin' Through

Just Passin' Through

Bernice Maddux

I just dropped by to say hello,
Now if you love me, let me go.
Thanks for the food and company,
But there's another place I need to be.

Don't grieve because I fly away,
I'll be back another day
To rest awhile and sing for you,
And maybe enjoy a meal or two.

Promise me you won't be sad,
But treasure the little time we had,
Our two worlds met for a brief hello,
Now if you love me, let me go.

This little bird is my first attempt at actual felting on my embellisher. I used both wool and silk roving (silk hankie). I don't know if it comes across in the picture, but it is very dimensional.

The 'sunlit' leaves are a glitter encrusted velvet. The rest of the leaves are two layers of fabric fused to either side of heavy duty aluminum foil, stitched, then cut out and stitched to the quilt only part way along the center vein...thus shapeable.
I plan to add a border (or two), so the edges are not finished yet.
As of now it measures 8x 10 1/2.

I loved this challenge Cynthia! Hope this meets the criteria.Thanks for all you do for this group :-)
The borders are now measures 11 1/2x 14


  1. Thank you in advance for any comments and or suggestions...they're truly appreciated and help me to grow :-)

  2. Cherie, your bird is fantastic! I love the color and the texture. the whole piece is a winner in my book. I love the idea of using aluminum foil inside your leaves.

  3. Cherie, I was struck by the bold colors and dimension in your piece. It is impressive!

  4. Wowser! This is outstanding. I love the dimension you've created. I also like the design choice of showing the straight lines of the fence [?] as contrast for the organic leaves. Is the aluminum foil idea yours? Love it!

  5. Dimension definitely comes through on my screen. Very well done. Neat idea about the aluminum foil.

  6. oh my, the bird is fantastic. And the bright green leaves really catch ones attention. Great work. I'd like to see it in person, I can only imagine that it has lot's of depth.

  7. I love this piece - the greens are WONDERFUL - the use of value really works well - the use of red as an accent color to bring your eye to the offset bird - super pleasing! I'm wondering - did you consider that it was strong enough without the border? Its so amazing I'm not sure if it really needs it.

  8. Cheri this is really stunning. Your felting looks like you have been doing it for some time, you must be a natural. Love the effect you have achieved!

  9. The bird is actually creepy - a little too realistic - no I mean to say I like it - it has amazing detail. I like your leaves - I would suggest a third color or fabric for just a bit more variety.

  10. Hi Cherie - This is a WOW piece! I love the rich saturated colors and the beautiful composition. I'm not a big fan of borders and when I look at your two photos, the close-up excluding the border is more appealing to me. Somehow the border, to me, waters down the composition. Who knows? - I think I'm becoming borderphobic!

  11. Hi Cheri, This is so beautiful and vivid and beautifully constructed and a fascinating mix of techniques and textures...great job! A couple thing to consider:
    Are the yellowish leaves competing with the vividness of the bird? If some of them were toned down would the bird pop more?
    If the bird was outlined in black, would that make him a bit more dramatic? About the borders...would have uneven or no borders make it feel more open, less boxed in? Or add a few green leaves that extend into the border?
    You are always so adventuresome in your work, it's great to see

  12. Well done. It looks like you have put that new machine to good use. Love the composition and the colors.

  13. I like it without the borders.


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