Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Tri-lingual Parrot of Puerto Vallarta

I changed the quilt a little bit - edging the bird with a narrow black zig-zag, and adding two more red flowers. I think it looks better. Thanks for the suggestions!

At a resort in Puerto Vallarta, I kept hearing the words "hola!" and "hello!" coming from a clump of bushes. Following the sounds, we discovered a cage holding 2 beautiful parrots. They not only spoke Parrot, but they also spoke Spanish and English!

Here is a picture I took and printed on fabric. Then I printed the words on a sheer fabric, and fused all the pieces together to make an 11" x 13 " quilt.

After it was all done, I noticed the part of the challenge that mentioned "subtle dimension." So, I didn't follow the rules.

I always look forward to your comments.


  1. Katie....this is so much fun! I like that you used tropical foliage in the background.....and the fused brighter flowers. The placement of the pieces is also attractive.....offset, not straight. This is delightful! Besides, I love talking birds.

  2. Hi Katie, very fun piece. Perfect background and colors. Did you consider making the parrot stand out more? Trapunto would have worked well, but how about outlining him in black thread or using paint to liven up his green feathers and red beak? now my eye goes to the brightest thing...the red flower
    Good job

  3. Hmm. Maybe I could trapunto him yet. The whole center rectangle is not quilted, so it wouldn't be hard to go in from the back and enhance him a bit. Thanks for the idea. Should I all some more red somewhere? I really don't want to paint the parrot - that photo is accurate in his beautiful colors.

  4. I'd love to see more red throughout. Maybe stamped onto the background or some read thread work. Right now, my eye, too, goes to the flower, and since the flower and the beak are on about the same level, my eye kind of gets stuck about 2/3 up the quilt. More red might help let my eye break free a bit sooner and take in the entire beautiful quilt.

  5. Fun piece. I was telling a class just last night about using black/white to offset bright colors. I am drawn to the red flower, rather than the bird. Maybe some red highlights in the bird?

  6. NIce composition. I agree with Cynthia if the parrot was outlined in black he would stand out more. I really like the background print very tropical.

  7. Very nice. I like how the black and white fence surround the bird and bring him out. The balance of the large photo and small flowers work well. I think the use of organza for text is outstanding.

  8. I like this as a photo transfer - I like the two different borders on on - and how they are slightly different.

  9. Katie, I love the tropical feel of this piece. It makes you happy just to look at it, and I'm sure it brings back fond memories of your travels. I agree with the others that a little more red would help, and outlining your parrot too. It's beautiful as it is.

  10. Hi Katie - This piece is so much fun and I love the story behind it. I frequently add little animals into my quilts and almost always outline them with a narrow satin stich using black metallic thread - a tip from Ellen Anne Eddy. It pops the animal a bit from the background both because of the color and the little gleam of the thread. I use Madeira black core thread which is very easy to sew with.

    Great piece!

  11. I admire your cohesive collage. The variety of texture and color is perfect. Well done.

  12. Hi Katie - It was good and now it is better! The black thread helps pop the bird from the background and the addition of the two red flowers makes for a more balanced composition. Good work!

  13. Nice piece, Katie. The additional 2 red flowers help move one's eye around the piece and your parrot is more visible in the second photo. Great choice of colors and fabrics!

  14. I love your parrot and the story. The addition of the black outline is a great idea. I too like the composition. Very well done.
    Elaine Koenig


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