Saturday, November 28, 2009

Beneath the Surface

A real lesson here, never photograph white against white or cream......

Here is my challenge piece for this month. At first I thought 'yikes'!! Then, as I did some research, I thought it could be interesting. I had a piece of fabric paper that didn't have a focal point that I could find,satisfactorily...but it did have some good texture elements that could work with this theme, so I started to play. My paper fabric has inclusions under the paper, then stitching and paint. After it dried I added more paint. Cut some into squares leaving a large piece on which I could add and define the microbes. I added some painted dryer sheets, embellishments and free motion threadwork. Then I hand-stitched [quilted] the piece using hand dyed thread [received from Laura Wasilowski].
Because it is all on a pastel theme, I hope my 'microbial' findings are definitive enough. I had a great day doing this yesterday and finished it this morning.
I have also posted a 'closer look'.  [I am having trouble getting the color correct on the large piece, I can't figure out why it is so pink when it is white!]
I look forward to your comments....
thank you in advance.


  1. I love seeing interesting things being done with fabric paper! I'm starting to think we are only scratching the surface of the potential for this medium. On my screen I see quite a sheen to the surface of your piece and wonder if you've used a metalic paint. It certainly adds to the surface interst,IMHO.

  2. yes, I used a metallic paint as my second layer of paint and only touch the 'high' spots.
    I agree, fabric paper has an interesting future.

  3. Carole, This piece is really wonderful! Your quilting really adds interest and texture, and I like the way you used the fabric paper and painted dryer sheets. You really had a lot of fun with this one! Good job with this challenge!

  4. Carole - Great piece. Love your use of fabric paper. The texture is terrific. Your quilting adds much interest. It is a fun and free flowing work. Great job!

  5. Very fun piece, Carole... now what are the metalic rings? I love the layering.

  6. Carole,
    Great use of color and texture! I think your hand stitching is a perfect choice for this piece.

  7. This is so lovely and delicate looking Carole. The mix of the paper fabric against your hand quilting is perfect...I really love it!

  8. Very lovely. Makes me want to get some fabric paper and try it out.

  9. Amazing how the color changed with the pictures. I like this it's very quilt like while showing off a micro quality.

  10. great use of your fabric paper i love the thread work realy stands out on this piece

  11. Really fun! What do you paint your dryer sheets with and do you heat set them or not worry about it?

    Love the depth they give and the fabric paper is so fun too. Metalics sure make it sing!

  12. Hi Rhojo... thank you for you comments, I paint my dryer sheets with Lumiere paint, thinned and I just use water.. yes, after they are dry I heat set them... just because I do, I am not even sure I would have to.
    I really like working with them, they have a sturdiness in spite of being soft and filmy.


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