Sunday, November 29, 2009

Cloned Embryonic Stem Cells

I'm going to do some "recycling" this month and use a piece I made last year for another challenge.

My Monday Night group was challenged to do something with circles, and after a few false tries, I decided on Cloned Embryonic Stem Cells.

It was my first experience using Angelina, and that was fun. I also put in hundreds of strands of yellow silk thread, and finished it with a few pearl beads.

I know virtually nothing about microbiology, but I worked from photographs and used my imagination.

Many years ago, I saw a show of photographs by Roman Vishniac, at the Jewish Museum in New York. The images are amazing, and some are what I call "quilts waiting to happen."

Marilyn Foulke
Louisville, KY


  1. Hi Marilyn,
    This piece fits our challenge well, I have seen several slides of stem cells, and this looks just like them. Good use of the angelina fibers.

  2. This is cool!! I saw some photos just like this when I was doing some research. Very effective and surely suits the challenge to a 'T'...[not necessarily cell].

  3. Marilyn - Good job! Very interesting and unexpected. Love your use of Angelina fiber and other threads. Awesome!

  4. I love the Angelina plus thread effect Marilyn. Really adds interest and dimendion to your cells.

  5. I really like the use of the angelina fiber. It is one of those "why didn't I think of that" moments.

  6. Lots of fun materials for this one - I'd only suggest adding a third cell.

  7. NIce work love the angelina my first thought is back ground is very dark, but then after a moment I think it adds strikingness to the piece


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