Sunday, November 29, 2009

Challenge 39 - Micro Leaf

Here is my Micro Leaf. Finished size is 10.5 x 17.

I used acrylic paints - red and green - red and green mixed make lovely shades of brown. I painted the skeleton. As always - the acrylic paints loose their vibrancy - it had to be saved with the quilting - I had done a similar quilt like this with small circles - then I bead the circles - this time I changed the scale of the circles. I used yellow, red, maroon, two shades of green and brown threads. After is was quilted - I didn't feel the quilt needed an additional beading.

In Cool and Sunny Seattle


  1. I love the subtle colors, and the lovely thread colors for the quilting. A very nice piece!

  2. Lisa this is very beautiful, nice use of color! I love the way the quilting defines the cellular aspects of the leaf. Great Job!

  3. I like the asymmetrical design that you have. A nice interpretation with color and stitching. If it were me, I would loose the binding or do it in green or red.

  4. I had to search for the leaf [too literal] then found the veins.. love how your quilting brings us the phyto-cells of the leaf.
    Well done!

  5. Me again... but after reading Gerrie's comment re the binding, I took another look. A thought... rather than re-do it, because it does blend in, why not just blend your design out and over those edges...loosing the impression of confinement and truly a 'close look'?

  6. Lisa, I like your composition and use of color. The quilting is a perfect enhancement. Regarding the border, I would agree that it is troubling, but am not sure if it is because it encloses or because of the color. Great work!

  7. Lisa,
    This one really makes me feel like I am looking through a microscope at plant cells! I really like the subtle color scheme.

  8. I love this one Lisa. As to the border...what if you just continue a few of the elements in to the border, as if it were 'spilling over' and keeping the asymmetry in tact.
    Very nice work...

  9. I love the colors on this and also really admire the quilting.

  10. good work, nice thread work and good compisition


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