Saturday, December 05, 2009

Blood Clot

I enjoyed making this piece once I found a royalty free photo of a blood clot online that I could use for my inspiration. I certainly never imagined that a blood clot would be this interesting! After discharging the background fabric, I found a coral/pink solid that I thought would do for the blood cells. I painted dark pink shadows and white highlights, fused my shapes and added them to the background. I liked well enough the bright coral against the mottled black, but when I added the pale green and yellow strings, this piece came alive. it was fun to do, and taught or reminded me of several things. 1) The effect of your discharging liquid may not be visible until you rinse your piece. 2) Adding some paint can transform any fabric into just what you want. 3) Complimentary colors work wonders. 4) Getting out of your rut once in awhile is good for you.
Suzanne Sanger


  1. I agree that the strings really make everything pop. I love the shading on the cells. Good Work!

  2. Great composition. Well done.

  3. Wow! Who knew that a blood clot could be so interesting up close. Love this.

  4. Suzanne, this piece really catches the eye. Wonderful job of painting and getting a 3D effect. I like the way you frayed then ends of the string, it really adds to the overall effect of the quilt.

  5. Whoever would have thought blood clots could be pretty.

  6. My first impression was 'how elegant! A lovely piece of art.

  7. Ditto to them above Suzanne.....They remind me of some pretty berries.
    I enjoyed hearing how you did it.
    And I know what you mean about a 'rut'...

  8. Congratulations on a really beautiful and fun piece, well done. I'm interested in seeing the scale you ended up with, as many of the photos I've been looking at have lots of little shapes, but these large shapes, plus the colors, strings, dark background, and composition (great negative space) make this a real winner! Very inspirational, too!

  9. great work, i to love the 3d look of this piece it realy pops

  10. amazing work on the depth.... your sense of shadowing is fabulous....

  11. Thanks to all for your nice comments! Chris, I ended up cropping a photo to reduce it to a manageable number of shapes--lazy critter that I am. LOL.

  12. Wow, you really hit this one out of the park. Great composition and detail. Who knew blood could be so pretty. I love this!


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