Sunday, December 06, 2009

Mermaid Study - 38

I believe mermaids are related to dolphins and whales. They do not have scales, but thick skin. If you look closely, this mermaid is working hard to get off the beach. She was visiting land for the night, but obviously didn't make it back before she changed, once again, from a human to a sea mammal. As the sun is only a thread on the horizon, no shadows exist. It is that special time between moon glow and sun shine. Although the mermaid seems in peril, the tide is rising. Do not fear, she will be OK.

I used commercial fabrics + paint. The mermaid is stuffed then appliqued onto the quilt. This is a first for me. I added the mermaid before quilting; wish I had done it after. It would have made the quilting a lot easier. The tail is fused velvet and is only attached at the base. The fins are totally free. Her hair is a bit of trim that seemed appropriate. The 'stone fabric' is enhanced with heavy dark green stitching as if covered with sea moss.

As simple as it now looks, it was technically very difficult for me. I call it a study, because at first I planned on a much larger one. That would probably be done next summer. Instead I decided to do something that I could actually finish. This is 14.75" x 16.75".


  1. Ann I hope your mermaid makes it into the sea, I would hate to see her perish on the sand. I like the play of light, you really achieved the look of early dawn, and the water in the shallows seems to glow a little. The stitching around the rocks really make this piece realistic, and adds lots of texture. Fine job!

  2. Thanks Joni,
    Those flattering comments are really making my night!
    Wishing you JOY on your journey,

  3. Well done Ann, I would love to see it in person, feel the velvet tail, and I want to
    say your quilting is superb!

  4. What a fun and whimsical piece Ann. Is this the beginning of a series (perhaps a story about your mermaid)? Good work...Cherie

  5. Hi Cheri,
    I started out with the idea of making a very very large one. Then I got real about the time frame. I think I'd still like to make a larger one.

    I do have a paragraph or 2 to write.


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