Monday, December 28, 2009

Challenge 40 - The Lone Carrot

Ok - so here it goes - The Lone Carrot - finished size 6 1/2 by 17 inches.

I took a book of Barbara's Puffins - Original. I pieced the back ground in turquoise ranging from dark to light. Then rather than doing a still life - because I didn't have any plants or in my case carrots - I did a gestural drawing of a carrot - couched just a bit of orange yarn for the carrot (kind of like the beak of the puffin) and just a hint of lime green for the leaves. So it probably doesn't quite fall in the still life category but I like the overall results.

In Sunny Seattle


  1. I, too, like your results. Definitely not a still life but good anyhow.

  2. I love your piece! The complementary colors are wonderful, and it fits the definition of a still life - "a painting of inanimate objects, such as fruit or flowers."

    Your pieced background and quilting are very nice!


  3. Hi Lisa, you captured the blues and oranges very well...I wonder what a splash of white would have done?
    Good's a fun little piece

  4. Good interpretation of the package colors and your lone carrot interprets the beak of the puffin just right.

  5. Good job. I too wonder what a little 'white would do'.
    Also, what did you learn about how colors are used in packaging, what mood etc? Just curious

  6. Hi Lisa...Your carrot "puffin" appears to be on an ocean voyage. The pieced background and the curved verticle quilting give me a definite feel of motion. Fun piece

  7. Lisa, I've never seen this kind of cereal before, but the colors on the package look fresh and appealing. Your quilt interpretation has that same quality- Good job on this challenge!

  8. Hi Lisa, I think your little quilt turned out quite well. I think your focus on the orange makes your work more lively than the Puffins box. Based on the packaging, I would buy your carrot before I'd buy the cereal!


  9. This is a fun piece. The carrot appears to be floating over the sea perhaps. I agree with others that the orange enlivens the piece and am curious about how a bit of white would add to the piece.

  10. I like the simplicity of the carrot against the varigated background. I have trouble visualizing where one would add some white.

  11. This is very effective... not sure where I would put any other of the suggested colors....
    A 'fresh' feel and
    healthy too....
    Nice job!


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