Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jolly Time

Here is my product quilt. I called the quilt 'Jolly Time' for the product. The little figurine is a Willow Tree piece titled 'Happiness' that was a gift from a student several years ago. She had 3 bluebirds on her arms but I colored one red. That way I was able to include both the small amounts of red and blue on the product package. I was going to individually cut out petals for the sunflowers and then while digging in my stash I found fabric that had these huge sunflowers all ready to go so I put fusible under it and put them down. The leaves I cut freehand from a multi-colored green fabric. I couldn't figure out what else to put with the figurine for a still life so I opted to add petals dropping from the flowers. This little quiltlet is a mere 8" x 10" in size.

The first product I had chosen was for Ice Mountain water. It was all blue and white and I couldn't for the life of me come up with a fitting quilt. If I could have done a nature piece rather than still life it would have worked perfectly with the 2 feet of fresh snow that just fell here. So I searched more and found this box of microwave popcorn. Another challenge it turned out for me were the colors since I rarely use orange and yellow much even though I like them.

And, I'm sorry to say the popcorn box didn't reproduce in actual colors. The wild stripes waving across the background are actually yellow and orange and not red like they appear.

This is one of my favorite FFFC quiltlets that I've done over the years. Please comment!


  1. You have captured the assignment in every sense. You modeled the package colors perfectly, and you created a mini-quilt that stands alone as well.

  2. Great job! Just so you know, the wavy lines are yellow and orange on my Mac!

  3. Hi Jan...love your piece! It's a jolly piece...such a perfect use of the color scheme of your product package. Everything fits - the mood, color proportion, movement and it's a good composition. Great job!

  4. Jan, I have to mimic everything Cynthia said. This is really a happy little piece and your interpretation is spot on.

  5. This works! Great colors for a winter day.... and I know the statue well! Sun flowers are just the best and it mirrors your popcorn box so well.

  6. What more can I say. You nailed it! I can see why you are happy with it. It is a great piece on it's own.

  7. This is wonderful! I love your use of the small touch of red in the little bird. It adds that subtle focal point that makes your entire composition sing.

  8. Really nice! I like you you used the blackish/blue from the "weight watchers" part as the lines in your "table" or base. Very nicely done.

  9. I too would say that you really nailed this challenge. And like others have said your piece is bright and sunny, happy certainly comes to mind.
    No doubt what mood these colors evoke.
    You did a wonderful job of using all the colors in the packaged product.
    Great job.

  10. Oh Jan, I agree with you...I think it is my favorite of all as well! It is so precious and simply makes me feel good looking at it :-)

  11. Jan this is wonderful, such a great use of the advertising colors. I like the way your quilting lines give depth and shape to the vase. I have a collection of willow tree angels, yours adds joy and charm to your piece. One just feels happy to look at it. Great job!

  12. you have done a fantastic job of capturing the colorscheme. I love the way that you used more than one element to create the image. The eye is really drawn to the flowers. Your quilting really complements the design.

  13. Hi Jan - Wow - you did a fantastic job of pulling all the colors from the packaging into a very lovely little quilt. I find the piece appealing on many levels in addition to the use of color. The curve of the vase along with the pointy flower petals and leaves pleases my need for variety and the bits of black under the figure grounds the piece. Too good!


  14. Jan - I have nothing to add to the above comments. A great piece for many reasons. You've nailed the challenge.

  15. Jolly time indeed! Perfect use of colors.. the sunflower is fantastic. I can only echo the comments of the others... a real eye-popper!
    So well done!

  16. What else can be said? BRAVO!


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