Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Challenge #40

"Black Tie and Tails" Tulip in Still Life 17"x21"

In leafing through my magazines I quickly pulled out all ads that caught my attention either by color, composition or both. I was surprised to find that at least 75% of them were red, black and white and some silver. What does that say about me?
I used alot of different fabrics, including seven different textures of white. I especially had fun trying many new to me quilting designs.
I am pleased with the result and my hubby loves it.
I would love to 'hear' your comments :-)
Thanks Rhoda for a fun, thought provoking challenge!


  1. You are welcome Cherie.
    So what did you find out about the mood these colors evoke?
    I love the still life, sort of abstract just wonderful!
    It is amazing what the colors in advertising and product packaging do for putting colors together!

  2. I love the way you have taken the shapes from the original image and used them in your compostion. Your quilt has a cetain amount of elegance to it. Good job!

  3. That is quite an outstanding piece! I love the way the original ad is echoed in your piece, but the piece also stands alone. Wonderful quilting!

  4. I echo all of the above, Cherie! Great job using the colors. I especially like how you transformed the phone into a black tulip. Your quilting is wonderful, too, and adds to the open areas on your quilt. Super!

  5. Cherie, your piece is dramatic and vibrant! I like the depth you achieved with your shading, and the way you transformed the add into something new. Very creative, an excellent interpretation of this challenge.

  6. You set the bar high on this - color and composition from the packaging. Love it.

  7. Fabulous! One of my fav color combos. Great composition, and takes still life to a new level!

  8. Hi Cherie - You took that ad and ran with it! Your interpretation of the phone into the tulip is so attractive. The tulip foliage is so voluptuous. But most of all I love the shadlows both under the tulip leaf and the balls. The quilting adds some interest and makes the piece even more elegant.
    Great work!


  9. This is truly art. The composition is stunning, the stitching really adds a whole new layer, and the colours work brilliantly. It's the perfect interpretation of the ad. Isn't it amazing how powerful even a smallish amount of red is in this?


  10. You did a fantastic job with this challenge. I love your interpretation of the elements.

  11. Cherie - Great job with this. I think you have definitely met the challenge. I like that you emulated the elements in the ad and the quilting adds so much to the piece.

  12. Very elegant with superb quilting. Great interpretation of the challenge.

  13. Cherie, this is so-so-sooo elegant!
    The various whites and different quilting designs really add to the depth, texture and formality of the piece. And a single tulip... it just doesn't get any better than that!
    The only thing your piece needs... as far as I can see is...
    MY address!

  14. Hi Cherie, as elegant as a tuxedo with a red cumberbund...good job with the colors and composition and feel of the piece


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