Tuesday, December 01, 2009

FFFC-39 Sea Foam

This challenge was a joy for me. I started by painting an aged piece of fabric that had been naturally rusted. The dyes I painted with started to bleed into the fabric in a big way, but rather than get upset I decided to go with the flow. I ended up with an intriguing background fabric which lent itself to drawing with pens the design that was floating around in my head. After completing the drawing, borders were added and the whole thing was taken to the sewing machine for quilting. This was my first whole cloth quilt, but it certainly won’t be my last. I loved the process of bringing out the design with the quilting. After all the drawn elements were highlighted, I used disappearing ink to make my guide lines for the background quilting. This was really fun for me and I’m already working on my next quilt using this process. As always any comments or suggestions would be appreciated.


  1. I like this. It is hard to pull of a mostly monochromaic color scheme. I think the design with that little circle just gives it oomph. Again, it it were me, I would loose the border/binding.

  2. Joni - This piece is very effective. I love the use of the circle as a focal point. It definitely makes a spark. A beautiful, flowing work. Great job!

  3. The ink shapes, the colours and the stitching all make this a successful and interesting piece. I disagree about the circle, however. It makes the eye lock in too firmly and I would consider having a kink in the stitching, to give movement, but not a closed circle.

    That being said, I would have it on my wall in an instant!

  4. This is a wonderful piece - delightful colors and beautiful quilting. I'm wondering how large it is.

    Great work!

  5. thank you all for your comments and suggestions. I am thinking of framing this one, so will give the idea of loosing the border some thought. I forgot to mention the size 18"x22".

  6. Hi Joni, this is very interesting. I clicked on it to keep enlarging it and the detail is quite amazing. What fun... and the disappearing ink? Do you mean a marker that fades? What a good idea... you quilting certainly pulls it all together.
    Well done!

  7. I love this piece, the colors, the quilting, the focal point. I think the border sets it off. I wouldn't change anything.

  8. Oh Joni, I love the analogous color scheme in this one! It reminds me of a Zentangle design. Are you familiar with it?
    Truly beautiful

  9. Joni, I love this piece! Your quilting motifs are perfect - my favorite detail is where the pebbling pops through below the horizontal element, making it look like it continues underneath that section. I don't mind the border although I might like it better as a narrow binding. Great job!

  10. Cherie, it is funny that you should mention Zentangles... I'm into them in a big way. They are creeping into my quilting and helping me be more creative. Do you do them too?

  11. Very eye-catching. Great job.
    Zentangles -- that is a new one on me...

  12. The quilting makes the quilt.

  13. I like the combo's you used here with the colors,nice work


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