Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Challenge 39, Amoebas Play, 16" w x 15" h

This piece was an experiment that I have been wanting to do for some time. I started with a piece of batik fabric, outlined areas that I wanted to thread paint with designs from microscope slides and set some rules. 1) I would just get one shot at my thread painting - if it didn't work I would enhance with paint or whatever, 2) I would use only one color of thread in each area, 3) I would try to create a balanced composition, 4) I would use only thread and paint, and 5) I would use only what I have.

I outlined the areas with 30wt black thread stitched around twice. Stitched inside each with varying degrees of success which was dependent on the color used. Some areas, where I actually liked the stitching the most, were barely visible. I added additional color with Fabrico Markers.

Today I read somewhere that "there are no mistakes, there are only things learned". I think that applies here. Imposing rules helps to stop the 'paralysis of analysis' for me. So here are the things I learned. First, another time I would look for a fabric with a greater amount of light value colors. Second, I would then be able to find more higher contrast threads to use. Third, with higher contrast thread a possibility I would be able to make the more complex designs I had imagined and they would show up.
In spite of the fact that this piece does not match my imagined piece, I have had fun with it and am happy that I was presented with this challenge. I have not spent much time in my studio over the last three months. It's good to be back.
Any comments are welcome!


  1. Betty, Your Amoebas take me back to my college biology classes. Yours are much more interesting than the ones I saw then. I like the fresh colors in your piece, but agree with you that more contrast would improve the overall impact. It was interesting that you set so many rules for yourself, but if that gets you going and makes the challenge more fun than go for it! Nice interpretation of this challenge.

  2. Betty this interpretation of our theme is very well done. I found if I kept enlarging the piece, it became more and more interesting. It must be a nice piece to see in person, and it seems you did enjoy doing this.

  3. Very fun, Betty.... it would be fun to try the same concept with fabric that you paint or dye!

  4. Oh, I want to try this technique too! It looks like so much fun, and very effective.
    So good to see you back Betty...

  5. What a lot of restrictions you put on yourself! You did a great job of it. Did you dye the fabric?

    Pat Havey

  6. A very fun piece with the extra bonus of learning from the process.

  7. I like the cells - the thread work is fantastic. I would go back and quilt the non quilted areas.

  8. so much movement in this piece I can actualy imagine the ameba's floating around. love the colors


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