Thursday, December 31, 2009


27" x 35"

I decided a few weeks ago to make a quilt featuring a cluster of grapes. I appliqued grapes, countour quilted grapes, and finally I painted grapes. The painted ones were what I wanted but I tossed them all together and added some grape leaves. Then I couldn't figure out where to go from there. I took this glob of grapes and leaves to a couple of quilt shops and tried out lots of backgrounds but didn't like anything. I set it aside and then along came the Fast Friday Challenge! Ah ha! Froot Loops to the rescue. Somehow looking at the box and the various colored cereal bits reminded me of my grapes. The black outlines around the letters led me toward the black and white polka dots and the red from the box led to the border. The red and green in my piece are more vivid than the photo shows. Thanks a lot for this challenge - it kept my grapes from oblivion!

As always, your comments are welcome and appreciated.


  1. Roberta

    This is a great way to use your grapes, and I like the way they completely fill the piece. The choice of the b/w polka dot is perfect. I am just wondering about incorporating the bright blue somewhere - maybe a small beetle?

    Lovely job!


  2. Roberta, your grapes are absolutely luscious. What a great job you did painting them. I'm so glad you were able to use them in this challenge. Your composition with the black, bordered with the red, really makes this striking.

  3. I particularly like the depth in the grapes and how they appear to be coming forward out of the piece.

  4. Lovely piece! The grapes and the shading on each of them is perfect. I think the black and white backround with the red frame really makes them pop. The vines on the top almost appear to be some elegant cording. I'll bet some winery would love to have this piece to hang in their shop or even use as a label on their product!

  5. Fantastic Roberta. I'm so glad that the grapes found a home :)
    Love the way the grapes 'pop' out of the frame. .

  6. I love this roberta and I am also glad it found a home here. Fruit Loops have never looked more luscious.

  7. Roberta - I like this a lot. The grapes have depth and transparency that draw you in to the composition. Love the use of "Fruit Loops" packaging as the product packaging. Great response to the challenge.

  8. These grapes look radiant, as if 'kissed' by the sun. I could definitely see them as the label on a fine wine! Love the colors...just yummy :-) Wonderful interpretation Roberta.

  9. Roberta, this is really quite stunning. Your colors are not as vibrant as the packaging, but isn't that a good thing? I just love it! I am so glad the grapes were able to be used.... and now enjoyed. I agree with Cherie, a great wine label!

  10. Hi Roberta, yes, your grapes are luminous and luscious and I like the more subtle coloring. Froot Loops look fun and sugary, but your grapes look sophiscated and healthy...more appealing to the adults we are!

  11. Very nice piece with pleasing colors. I especially like the grapes "floating" on that great background. They sure pop out and look so real.

  12. Ooooh, I want to eat those grapes. They look delish! Great color and very graphic.

  13. Isn't it amazing what will spark the imagination and become the perfect bridge to finding
    what you are looking for.

    Beautiful piece.

  14. Those grapes are fabulous! What a wonderful range of colors you achieved. And the placement with the black dotted fabric and leaves provides a very nice touch. Good work.


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