Thursday, December 31, 2009

Putting on the Ritz

What a challenge this has been! I had a hard time getting my mind around this concept, but once I saw some of the other entries it became clear. The colors used in packaging are very eye catching and pleasing so “oh Yeah” it is a great place to look for a color theme for a quilt. Since I was so late in getting started, I kept my project down to a manageable size. When going through my pantry I found that I buy a lot of products with this primary color scheme. I liked the ritz box for it’s simplicity and the flow of the crackers swirling about. My composition is an attempt to re-create the general feel of the ritz box. I enjoyed playing with this, and will try it again on a larger project, my quilt is journal size, and has not yet been bound. Any suggestions? Would love your comments as well. Thanks Rhoda for a great challenge.


  1. great colors......I like how the flower shape mimics the label on the box!!

  2. Great use of the colors on the box and your use of quilting really adds to the overall piece. I'm just thinking that maybe the lighter blue would benefit from a piece of red in it somehow like on the cracker package. Otherwise it seems to 'hang' there alone and not really be tied to the other colors. Other than that I think this is a great little piece and it would brighten up any area of the house.

  3. Hi Joni, I like that you tried to use similiar proportion of the colors in the eye catching packaging and repeated some of the rounded shapes. I'm wondering about the blue and gold strips....they seem like a blank palette to me. Would some lettering or chains of little flowers look good there?
    As far as binding it...I would either face it or bind it in the red background fabric.
    Good was fun, wasn't it?

  4. Joni, what a fun still life. Lively colors and lot's of movement. I agree with Cynthia, what if you added something more to the blue and gold strps?
    Great job.

  5. Hi Joni, I like the gold strips just as they are. I like the circular shapes on the red background so anything you wouild do on the gold might fight it. JMO! I especially like the graphic quality to this.

  6. Joni - I love the strong graphic quality of this piece and would probably simply face it as a finishing. The piece, though not like the package, somehow seems to mimic many of its qualities. Great job!

  7. Oh boy, these colors just reach right out and grab you! The flower almost seems to be floating above the background. Did you make the background fabric? It is so right for this piece. It's great!

  8. The gold pieces floating don't bother me since they are behind the flower and the yellow in the flower keeps them from being too over powering. I think that something added to the light blue is all this needs.

  9. Hi Joni -I really like the way you were inspired by the box - not just the colors but the graphics. I, too, feel that there needs to be something added to the lighter blue fabric to make it more a part of the whole. Perhaps a bit of seed stitching in red or yellow would do it. I think it is a delightful bit of work.

  10. Wow, so many ideas. Thanks to all for the input, now I just have to decide what I'll do. I like the idea of the seed stitching to make the light blue fit in. I also like the idea of facing instead of binding. This has been a fun challenge, and I hope to post a renovated piece soon.

  11. Joni.. what a great job! You really hit it on the colors! As far as the blue is concerned, it does look like it is floating, but is the 'suggested' something or other in that part because the box is right beside it? And you did such a great job of the colors and porportions that the eye/brain says it is empty because of the writng on the package? I don't know...
    but I really like it and that background fabric couldn't be better.
    Great job!

  12. Your color scheme is great. It would be nice to repeat the light blue elsewhere in the composition to tie it in better. Now it distracts a little from the rest of the composition.

  13. I like the piece just the way it is. Very lively and cheerful.

  14. This piece really works. It is bright and bold, and very organic. I like it for its graphic punch.

  15. You captured the colors and essence of the box beautifully. This is a great piece.


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