Thursday, December 03, 2009


This month has been totally insane with the end of the semester, Christmas commissions to finish, and getting ready to produce a play on our campus (yes, I do that too!). But I couldn't miss a challenge....
I have done a fair amount of painting so I just grabbed the paints and inks and decided to play with an inkblot technique... wet the fabric and squish some pain on one side then fold it and see what came out.... no planning, just playing....
After I smushed the copper around, it started to look like a yeast bud or hyphae.... so that's what I ran with.
Comments of course are welcome....


  1. Hi Wendy,
    I like your flame quilting on this piece, it really adds to the whole effect of your composition. What a fun way to make a quilt! Was it copper foiling that you used or copper paint?

  2. This looks so cool. Sounds like a really fun technique...I can't wait to ty it. Was the copper color part of your 'ink blot', or did you paint it after? Very effective.

  3. To me this looks like the first flame when you strike a match. Your flame quilting emphasizes this too. I wonder if you added red and orange thread on your flame quilting how that might add interest. But then that would make it into a flame instead of a yeast bud!

  4. Joni and Cheri..... I used Jacquard paint for the background and the Jacquard metallic for the center.... every time I added a color, I just opened the fold and squirted some paint, then refolded and squished and spread with my fingers... it was a happy mess. The copper paint was laid along the fold line only and gently tapped into place. I think I brushed in the darker blue at the base... just tapped it with a brush and folded again....
    And Linda, what a cool idea.... I might have to do another one with reds and yellows to do a micro view of a flame.... woohoo!

  5. The flame theme makes me see the Yeast working. It causes heat when it works so the flames are SO right.

    Pat Havey

  6. You make it sound so easy. I'm sure I would have had a blobby mess.

  7. Wendy - I echo the comments above. An interesting piece that makes one want to run out and try out the technique. Good job!

  8. Looks like a flame to me too.... love the colors and your quilting is 'delicious'!

  9. nice technique It reminds me of a rocket take off. like the burst of orange to ofset the blues


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