Friday, December 04, 2009

Stairstep Twinning

I tried something new for me with this one. First I drew the design on white Swiss Batiste, then I sandwiched and quilted all the lines. Next I painted the whole cloth using acrylic and metallic paints. It took forever!

The quilt measures 14"x24".



  1. This may have taken forever, but it is SO worth the effort. This is a beautiful abstract and ought to become the start of a series, IMHO.

  2. Amazing, Cherie. How did you keep the paint from bleeding into the next area? What kind of paint? The effect is wonderful....

  3. Cherie, you must have a very steady hand to paint such detail! The effect is super and gives the look of Bargello. It almost looks folded or pleated. A truly beautiful piece, nice work!

  4. This is a beautiful piece. You said you painted the lines but it looks like tucks or sewn strips. Very nice effect.

  5. Thanks all for your coments.
    Wendy, I used Jaquard Lumiere and Tulip Ultra Soft metallics (5 different colors), Setacolor, DecoArt So Soft and Apple Barrel acrylic.
    I love painting fabric and have done a fair amount of it, but this is the first time I've quilted it first. My hand is not all that steady anymore though, so if I do it again, maybe not such thin straight lines...haaa

  6. Cherie,
    All your hard work was worth it! This is a wonderful piece with lots of visual interest!

  7. Forever but such a gorgeous outcome!

  8. Cherie, you are crazy...and your piece is crazy good!

  9. LOL...Cynthia, you and this group are partly to blame for my craziness that's for sure! I have tried so many new techniques and learned so very much from all the talent and critiques over the last 3 plus years. Many thanks to all!!!

  10. Cherie, excellent as allways. We should all be so dedicated!

    Pat Havey

  11. Cherie

    This looks like a bamboo sushi mat to me! What is stairstep twinning? Absolutely gorgeous piece. I admire your dedication - well worth it.

  12. Wonderful! Definitely worth all of your time.

  13. Cherie, this is amazing!! I have studied it and I was sure it was pleated!!
    Great piece!

  14. I love the color combinations you used in this piece and all that paint work is stunning

  15. I clicked to comment and see that I just agree with everyone else. I'll add that as a newbie to the group, I'm delighted to see you attribute your growth to three years of participation. This piece plus that comment are truly inspirational!


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