Thursday, December 03, 2009

Microbial Bliss

This challenge excited me alot. I have degrees in biology and medical technology. I had no real plan in operation and just went with what ever is in my head. I love microbes!!!!! And cells and anything to do with cellukar biology.
I used some piecing, reverse applique and fusing. I used a sponge to paint on the fabric and then the loudest threads that I could fine.
Comments and critiques are very welcome.
The piece is 23 x 25 .
Sea Ranch Carol


  1. Super piece... takes me back to micro in college! The quilting realy makes it!

  2. I love this!! Really nic work on the details. The composition is great, too. Who did this?

  3. Your color pallete is wonderful and the quilting adds to the visual interest. Pretty cool for just going with whatever is in your head!

  4. Wow!!! I really like this, it captures your interest and holds it fast. Great contrast in texture and color - it makes the viewer feel that there is lots of life teeming under the microscope! Fantastic interpretation of this challenge. I would love to know who this quilt artist is!

  5. Hi Carol, this is so cool...a solid composition with lots of contrasts in value, color, texture and shape. I definite think this should be a series for you with your background and excitement about the subject! Great job!

  6. Beautiful! No critique on this one, other than to say it is wonderful.

  7. Ditto to all the above...simply superb!

  8. Carol,
    Great piece! This is one I could look at over and over and see something new each time!

  9. What else could one say? Beautiful,involving, and well done!

    Pat Havey

  10. The thread work is fantastic. Very colorful.

  11. Also, ditto to all the above. I especially noticed your repetition of the semi-circular shapes coming in from the left and how they direct your eye to the repeated color green in the curved line going through the center. This is a wonderful, well-composed, interesting piece. Great job! I love this piece.

  12. This is really a great piece... my first thought was pearls until I looked closer.
    Great job!

  13. Carol, I was captivated by the overall design, colors, and organic lines and felt your excitement as I read along because despite no background in science, I'm also finding this one of the most exciting challenges ever. I loved the variety of techniques you used. And then, after all my admiring, I see it's YOU who did this! That means I'll get to see this in person and I am thrilled and excited for you. Nice size, too!
    Chris is Sea Ranch

  14. lovely color cobo's, nice composition all works well together

  15. This is my favorite! Really sucks you into the design, great thread work, color and just plain fun!


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