Thursday, December 03, 2009

polymer strands

This quilt is 12'x17". I started by fusing several different sheers together to achieve the right colors then I cut the strips and fused them onto the black. I painted in all the shadows and accent spaces with seta color, shiva, and sharpie pens. I am a very very beginning painter and was very shaky about trying this. I almost quit at one point and was ready to throw the whole thing away but persevered and this is the result. Finally I covered the entire thing with illusion net and quilted on all the lines to accentuate the strands. It was a real pressing challange for me but I am glad I stuck with it and finished.

Pat Havey


  1. I especially like the fused sheers colors. Nice work!

  2. Pat, I really love this... looks like something I would do. The feeling of transparency is amazing. Great job!

  3. OOOH , I love how the sheer worked for this. Nicely done.

  4. I really love this effect. Very nicely done. Makes me want to play with sheers!

  5. Pat, I'm glad you stuck with this, and were rewarded with a wonderful piece. Your work shows movement and depth and a good sense of color. Nice job!

  6. You did a beautiful job with this. It is striking.

  7. I'm glad you persevered. It is a great piece.

  8. Very cool - I love the diagonal line on the composition. Interesting technique as well.

  9. Pat - I love your use of the fused sheers. It is so imaginative and effective. You clearly are an adventurer when it comes to adding color to enhance the effect you are after. Great job!

  10. This is so soft and lovely, soothing even. So glad you didn't quit on it. There is something very special about sheers.

  11. very nice piece, has a very playful feel and lots of motion to it, keeps the eye ingaged looking for more and more


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