Friday, December 04, 2009

Microscopic Cells

My inspiration for this was bone tumor cells.

The bone is real with painted cells. On the background some cells were painted and somer were sequins and beads. I'm sorry the painted cells don't show up very well.

The dark areas on the background were painted

The blood vessel was couched yarn with painted off shoots.

I asked my sister for the largest turkey bone. Her husband saw it and asked if she was saving it for a purpose. When she told him it was for me he said "I'm not even going to ask"


  1. Great imagination using the turkey bone. Your beading really makes the cells come alive. Amazing how pretty bad things can be.

    Pat Havey

  2. Pat, what a fabulous imagination you have! I like the background fabric in this piece, did you hand paint it, or was it a commercial fabric that you painted over? The sequins give an excellent effect.

  3. Hi Joni--
    It was commercial fabric that I added paint to sections of.

  4. Yuck tho the bone - it works your background is beautiful.

  5. I am so mesmerized by this one Betty. The color combination is lovely and your techniques well done. How did you prepare the bone...microwave? Very creative.

  6. I didn't do anything to the bone. I used it the way my sister gave it to me and assumed she scrubbed it very well because it was nice and clean.

    Thank you, everyone, for the nice comments...

  7. Betty, this is very imaginative.... I have thought of using the wish-bone but not a leg bone.
    I like the 'cells'...

  8. you amaze me with the creativity you show with using such unique material ans to cover such a topic od cancer. The rusty combos are very effective

  9. This gives a whole new dimension to Mixed Media! My favorite part is the contrast of the blood vessels.


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