Sunday, January 31, 2010


12 X 12
Green, Purple and Orange

After piecing a scrappy, fractured background in medium to dark greens, I realized the values were wrong as the dragonfly would blend in too much. Appliqueing the five lighter strips didn’t help so I added two layers of netting and let it pucker and fold. I really like the added texture. Not sure I like the three horizontal lines. The quilt is bound with cording made from three types of yarn and a strand of pearl cotton.

Thanks Jan for a fun and challenging challenge!

Comments welcomed.


  1. I like your creative way of fracturing your piece. I do agree that the 3 horizontal lines are a bit overwhelming and perhaps just one with the other two would have been a better composition, but I think the folded layers of netting really added movement to this piece. It's a nice little piece.

  2. Pam, I like the texture you acheived in this piece, and your colors work really well together. I wonder if the lines would be less dominant if they were covered by the dragonfly - like he was on top of them. Good job on the fracturing!

  3. I was thinking that maybe the parts of the dragonfly could some by ontop of the white lines, and some parts under it. Fracturing is good and love the texture you created.
    Chris Predd

  4. I like the texture you created. One thought - the horizontal lines could be more angled and maybe not all the same size. The dragonfly is great.

  5. Hi Pam, Love the cording edge treatment and the texture of the folded and puckered netting. And I agree about the strips adding too much structure...perhaps just a couple strips would work? I think it's a good idea, but just too many of them looks like the dragonfly is trapped.

  6. It has all been said... have you thought of cutting the diagonals..I don't know how stitched it is.. but maybe a peek-a-boo effect?

  7. I too agree with changing the horizontal lines to more diagonal lines which would give more movement too. I really like the background with the texture. Way cool...

  8. I really like your dragonfly a lot! One thing is so distracting to me...the center horizontal strip appears to cross on top of the DF (from left to right) until it reaches the body, then disappears until halfway through the wing on the right. It seems to me this creates a bit of confusion in making sense of it. If you could remove that center strip, or continue it all the way, things look more cohesive. Love the texture too :-)

  9. None of the strips can be removed as they are heavily quilted down under the netting. It doesn't look like it, but the dragon fly is entirely on top of the netting and strips. This exercise was certainly a learning experience. I will use netting and cording in the future as I like the texture and interest they add to a piece. Thanks for all the comments.

  10. I love the two-tone dragonfly body--a neat touch.

  11. A wonderful creative pay to fix what you believed to be a problem.
    The netting was a great addition.


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