Sunday, January 31, 2010

A whisper in the grasses

My colors are green, blue and yellow. I fractured the background but when I fractured the grasses they seemed to blend in way too much, so decided to try them layed on top, I now like how they look. I machine embroidered the butterfly. the butterfly body is the yellow, I used textured yarn wrapped on a pipe cleaner. The butterfly is pinned on right now, I am not sure placement of the butterfly is really complimenting the piece or a distraction.
As always your critique is most welcomed!
Jeanne Knudsen


  1. I like your fracturing of the background and the values of green used. Together they create lots of movement. I agree with you about the grasses needing to be not fractured and on top. Your quilting in the background really adds to the piece. Great job!
    As to the placement of the butterfly, try moving it to different areas, give it different positions, and either look at it through a reducing glass or take pictures with your digital camera to better help you see where the best placement will be.

  2. I love your quilting and the fracture is very effective. Your butterfly is well done. I agree with Jan on the trial placements. Of course the butterfly is my favorite part because I happen to LOVE butterflies.

    Pat Havey

  3. The fabric choices and values have made the fractured background really work well. The grasses and the quilting also complement the piece in a very organic way. I would be tempted to place the butterfly somewhere unexpected, maybe even partly outside the rectangle. Like Jan suggested, playing and taking digital photos is a good way to play.

  4. Great quilting! I really like the butterfly. The other suggestions of trying different placements are excellent.

  5. Hi Jeanne, I like the composition and color choices alot...the only comment I have is about the low contrast in values. How would it look with some light valued pieces incorporate in with the mediums and darks? Or with a lighter background and darker butterfly? Just a couple's a lovely piece and I look forward to seeing more of your work!

  6. Very nice piece. The current placement of the butterfly almost connects the curves of the bright green. I would like to see the butterfly more in the black and light green.

  7. This is so sweet..the quilting is really great.. it looks hand stitched. I like the butterfly right where he is. Cynthia does have a point on the low values...

  8. I love this just the way it is! It's always fun to try different placement, and I'm fairly sure you butterfly will look good in lots of other positions, but I like the way it contrasts with all the other colors. Funny, but my eye registers the middle blue/green section as light. (perhaps medium-light). Feels dimensional, drawing me into the dark circle with the butterfly. Good job!

  9. My favorite aspect of this is the combination of curved and straight lines in your fracturing and grasses. They give the piece its drama, IMHO.

    I'm curious about the three colors: I see only blue and green, if the darkest value is a dark green, plus a touch of brown on the butterfly's body, so I'm wondering what the third primary/secondary color was.


  10. Jeanne, this is so soft and tranquil - it really is a whisper. Your fracturing really adds to the impact of this piece.


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