Monday, January 04, 2010


I did not immediately see myself doing this challenge, as I could not get my head around finding inspiration for a still life from packaging colours. When I saw some of the fabulous work done by others for this challenge, I found myself even less able to do anything.

I couldn't think of anything when I looked in my pantry. I found an ad for pasta in a magazine, but had no ideas for a still life.

Then by serendipity I was taking down my Christmas cards and found this painting by Donald Hamilton Fraser which had exactly the right colours and was a still life!

I free cut the poinsettia (yes, that's right, I did NOT make a freezer paper template - a first!).

One thing I found really interesting, studying the painting, was how to use different colours of thread which I would not normally use. For example orange on the green leaves, and a bright pink on the lighter edge of petals (bracts). Maybe I will get braver about colour choice, but I reckon it will be slowly!

I have not faced this, as I am thinking about matting and framing it.

I really like the various reds with the charcoal and beige. So not my normal colours.

I was not sure why the painter had such a lighter block of colour on the right, but I needed it for the cream of the pasta, so I was quite happy to copy that.



  1. Superb! It looks so rich with these colors. I like the signature fabric behind the poinsettia and the beige piece is like adding a stream of light from a window.

  2. Julia, this is fantastic!! So glad you were able to find something to jump start the project. In fact, I like your piece way-y-y-y better than the painted card.
    And your signature fabric is just the perfect accent.
    Well done!

  3. Stunning, Love the colors and isn't it fun 'not to use freezer paper'.
    The packaging and the colors you hose really are well done. Lovely still life.

  4. Oh, yum! I love the reds in this, against that black background. It really echoes the packaging.

  5. Well done!! The falling leaves really add to the piece.

  6. Hi Julia - Your piece is beautiful. You did an excellent job with your free cutting and your use of different colors of thread. Moving out of your comfort zone resulted in a lovely bit of work.

  7. Lovely piece Julia. your colors are spot on. I think this must be your Christmas card for next year.

  8. I love your package and the color choices, as well as how the card mimicked (or however you spell it) the shapes and feeling of the packaging.

    I love how the text in your background fabric gives texture to the piece. Great job!

  9. You've truly captured the poinsettia and all its variations of colors. Nice composition also.


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