Monday, January 04, 2010

Flip Side Colors

This was a really fun challenge. Such an easy way to choose colors.

I used the package of FlipSides Pretzel Crackers. The colors say "Party".

Applibond flowers with yo-yo centers.......The sprays are beads.

21" square


  1. Delightful!!
    Happy! and fresh... a summer day to be sure.
    Company's coming is what it says to me....
    Good job!

  2. Betty, this is such a happy piece. You really did the challenge justice and used the colors well.

  3. Betty,
    Very festive!! The yo-yo's and beads add nice dimension.

    Good job!

  4. Hi Betty - Your flowers are so nicely done and the bead work adds a nice touch. One "what if" I have would be what if you had used background fabrics with more pattern or if you had quilted the background with colors that contrasted with the fabrics? Either of those options would move the viewer's eye around a bit rather than being completely focussed on the flowers and vase.

  5. I really like this piece. I kept looking for a 'what if' but I think it's just right as it is. Love the vibrant blue and yellow together.


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