Friday, January 01, 2010

Still Life by Cynthia Ann Morgan

I used a Corn Chex package for my color inspiration. I like the crispness of the green and white and the pop of the red. It looks clean and healthy and natural. A bit of turquoise and gold and black add some variety. I didn't quite keep the same proportions of color (I couldn't handle that much white!), but I think it has a similiar crisp feel, don't you?

This was a very challenging challenge and we're getting some cool, interesting results. Thanks, Rhoda for putting together a great learning experience.



  1. Thanks in advance for your comments!

  2. Hi Cynthia
    I love your collage background! The play of color and pattern plus the shapes you have made is terrific! Very interesting piece.

  3. The angled white section under the pot is an effective contrast to the other lines and attracted me right away.

  4. Great choice of fabrics to depict your still life. The use of the abstract black and white piece behind the plant I think balances the amount of white you found too much of on your package. Your quilting really adds to this. Love it!

  5. Hi Cynthia - I clicked on the quilt to enlarge it and was intrigued with the number of different fabrics and the small elements you added to your work. The little box with its gold clasp and the pencil add small bits of color and lots of interest and the various fabrics moved my eyes around the piece. The change in angles here and there makes the piece dynamic. Super!

  6. Really great Cynthia. I really like all the detail you put in that takes this composition to the next level.

  7. Cynthia,
    Very nice piece with good dimension. I especially like the table because it has more on it than the flower pot much like most of my flat surfaces. However, yours is much neater and the box, pencil and book add interest. Good variety of fabrics and textures. I envy your quilting.

  8. Cynthia, this is so fresh and crisp, the colors really play off each other. I love the way you subtly pieced the background, it adds depth and even more interest to your work. As usual your quilting is super!

  9. Ditto to the above.... and you mentioned a 'crisp feeel'... hes accomplished! In fact the greens and the cripness to your piece make me think of Granny Smith apples... healthy, aren't they? Probably the effect the Corn chex package designers had in mind.

  10. For me, as well as all the above comments, I find that the square of leafy fabric on point adds greatly. It also mimics the shape of a Corn Chex!


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