Friday, January 01, 2010

Mixed Bouquet

15 X 16 ½

This past year, I have become much more aware of how complimentary colors are used so I chose a product that featured red and green. Perhaps the calming quality of the green gives consumers some assurance that the cereal really doesn’t contain THAT much sugar.

This has been a good challenge for me as I had some difficulty with the still life concept.

Thanks Rhoda for introducing us to another stimulus and source for inspiration. Shopping trips will certainly be more interesting.

Comments are welcome and appreciated.



  1. Pam, this is so cool! How creative to do a still life 'in progress' so to speak. The colors fairly sing! Nice work

  2. I like that the center section is offset and the flowers extend into the border area. This creates a lot of interest!

  3. Wonderful still life, and great use of the colors. So crisp and clean. Great work.
    It gives me the feeling of happiness and sunshine. And I'm sure the green is used to evoke the image of 'go green' that is so prevalent in our world today.

  4. I love this piece! Great still life and fabric choices certainly enhance it all. It almost seems like one is looking through a window pane. Great job!

  5. Hi Pam - You've created a very pleasing piece - it looks as if you just stepped away from it for a moment. I think perhaps the darker green you have used for the border and binding grounds the piece and gives it a feeling of serenity. The use of red and yellow is usually not all that serene! Lovely piece.

  6. Everything they said...and I love that you put in the scissors to replicate the dark of the steering wheel. That grounds the piece.

  7. Pam, your flower arrangement in progress is a very interesting and pleasing piece. You changed the quantities of the colors from your cereal box, and still maintained a balance in your composition. Nice job!

  8. Very nicely done... even has a 'clean' smell... as well as crisp features. A pleasing, calm piece.
    Well done!

  9. Hi Pam, I like how you toned down the reds and greens from the sugary make it more healthy looking and sophiscated. Same crisp feel, though, which is very appealing and graphic.
    Great job

  10. I really like the one flower in the bag with the rest on the table.
    The bag looks 3-D and I want to pick the flowers up and smell them.
    I also love the combination of colors.


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