Monday, January 04, 2010


This was such a fun challenge. I was shopping at Trader Joe's a couple of days ago and the condensed milk can caught my eye. I think it is a new product, but it was the happy colors and shapes that caught my eye. I also liked the punch of black and white in the cow and the title.

I used some prefused scraps and made this little abstract landscape. I added the work bliss because it is my focus word for 2010. I plan to hang this in my studio as a reminder to follow my bliss and not get hung up on deadlines and obstructions.


  1. Gerrie

    You have interpreted the graphics so well, not just the black and white checks for the cows, but incorporating other shapes in the original, like the orange 'balloon'. The text also refers back to the packaging. I like this a lot.

  2. I like this a lot too! The graphic abstract nature appeals to me and your use of the colors is great.

  3. This is one of my favorites! I love your use of colors, and the black and white adds just the needed punch, both on the can and in your piece.

  4. Hi Gerrie - From now on I will think "cows" when I see black and white checkerboards! You did a great job pulling the colors from the can into your quilt along with some of the shapes. This is a happy little quiltlet and will be great to remind you of your word for the year. Cool.

  5. Nice use of the packaging colors! It must be new, because I haven't seen that at TJ's... but I would buy it for the packaging. I think the black and white with the crisp green give it the punch, the other colors equate to 'happy'... is this the new version of the 'contented cow'?
    I love that you added your 2010 word... I believe you are the first to get that done!
    Good job!

  6. Nice use of the colors, and like others have said the black and white really adds the punch to it. Great way to be reminded of your word for the year.
    Would we call this an 'abstract still life'?

  7. Gerrie, this little quiltlet if very appealing to me. I love the patchwork feel to it, and the black and white parts just make it all sing. Great interpretation of the packaging and awesome choice for your theme word this year!

  8. You've really captured the feel of the label without actually copying it. Your version has much more spontaneity to it. It's a carefree happy quilt.

    The letters are a little hard to read being of a medium value. And the orange shape at the right confuses the word at first glance since it is nearly the same color.

  9. The colors, lines of quilting, and the checkerboard cows all do look so blissfully wonderful. Great job and interpretation.

  10. FUN!!FUN!!!FUN!!! Great interpretation of the challenge. Love the colors.

  11. Rhoda! LOL! Mine just didn't want to be a still life unless you can call a landscape a still life.

  12. This is a very happy quilt, quite befitting its name, "Bliss". Great color, intersting composition.


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