Monday, January 04, 2010

Completed Kalanchoes

Succulents IX and X are completed. They are done from sketches of a potted kalanchoe which sits in my kitchen. These will probably end up matted and framed similar to the last two Succulents. They are both 5 x 7 inches.

I chose my color scheme from a box of noodles. I purposely let the yellow and blue run together to create some green.


  1. Hi Linda - I have really enjoyed your succulent quilts. These are great additions to the collection. Both of your color schemes are appealing - the first is so serene and the second so vibrant. But the best part to me is your wonderful quilting on both pieces. It adds movement, texture and interest. Very beautiful.

  2. It is so good to see your work again, Linda.... hope all is going well with you.
    These two pieces are IMHO masterpieces. So much detail in small size.I am captivated by the quilting and how it so much makes these pieces 'rich'... the color blending was a good idea too.. natural for sure but adds a 'song' the box packaging doesn't have.
    I love your work!
    Well done!

  3. Linda,
    Roberta and Carole have said it all for me. I love the colors, composition and the quilting. It's really been fun to follow your succulent series.

  4. Both compositions are excellent.
    Love the colors. What if you had a bit more of the golden color that is on the packaging?
    Your succulent theme has been wonderful to view.

  5. I echo the above comments. Wonderful quilting!!

  6. I love your use of color as well as the fabulous quilting. I will have to search out the rest of your succulent quilts.

  7. I really admire how you've been managing to follow the challenges as well as a series. Good job!

    What did you use the for the colors? Watersoluable pencils and/or paint?

  8. I've been using Pebeo Setacolor paints for the base color because of their translucency, and because they don't change the hand of the fabric much making it easy to stitch through.

    And then I've been using artists acrylics for the top layer after all of the stitching is done.

  9. Linda - you do such a great job with the succulents. I really like the quilting lines you've used - they really add to the texture of the piece.


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