Thursday, January 28, 2010

Under the Bridge

I used a photo I had taken under a bridge by the bay here in Florida and
fractured it, then used green, purple, and orange colors. Added the heron. I created the ray of light to shine on the heron. There's three areas: the bridge, the water, and the sandy/grassy area, the quilting follows those themes in the different spaces. It measures 13 by 14 inches or so. Didn't show the wings, but he's got them! Lots of small pieces, it is fused.
thanks for commenting if you have a chance. Chris Predd


  1. Nice,Chris. I like the ray of light on the heron. The colors blend well and highlight what you wanted featured.

  2. Simple fracturing and very effective. The heron seems to become part of the marsh he is in but yet caught momentarily in the light for all to see. Your quilting is great, too, and you weren't required to show the wings, just something with wings. Really like it!

  3. Beautifully done, Chris. Very effective use of light. Great effort.

  4. Chris, this is a very lovely piece. Your fracturing gives it added interest and really highlights your heron. It would be interesting to see what effect using a lighter tint of the background strips for your beam of light would have given. Nice job!

  5. Isn't it amazing how this abstract and fractured landscape in unrealistic colours looks so real? We totally get the heron and where he is. Yes, it's simple, but not simplistic. The shapes that define the foreground, middle ground and background keep the interest moving round the composition. A great interpretation.

  6. I agree with all the comments above. The colors are great and the shaft of light really sets off the heron. This is a very nice piece. Great job.

  7. I agree with all the above! Beautiful work, grteat fracturing, interesting composition. Bravo

    Pat Havey

  8. Chris, your work is always so eye-catching and this is no exception. Love your free-form egret.

  9. This is just fantastic Chris. The way you've got the ray of light is perfect. I note you fractured with lines rather than circles, and I really like the effect. Great work! Wonderful piece.

  10. I swear I've seen that very heron when visiting Florida! Your colors are so perfect for this scene. Wonderful fracture effects...definitely adds to the overall interest in this piece!

  11. This is very nice makes the fractured background look so simple. Love your light source as well.

  12. Hi Chris, Love the color combination you chose and how you used tints in the light ray that don't match in color. That adds a quirkiness that makesa it even more interesting and eye-catching. Great job!


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