Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Little Angel

This was really a challenge for me.   I tried the fracture technique once in a class with Katie P. Mostly the class bit off a lot more than they could handle including me. I did not like the technique so I abandoned all thoughts. So I had to overcome some mind things. I decided to go very simple. Something with "wings". Hmmmm. I discarded many ideas including the West Wing of the White House and went with a crazy little angelfish who thinks he can fly. I think I need more contrast with the coral.

I used fusing for all of it. Sometimes fusing was not so easy. Comments and suggestions are very welcome. I did enjoy this challenge and possibly I will try this again.

Carol Tackett
Sea Ranch, California


  1. Love it, Carol.....especially enjoyed the air bubbles. Great use of color. Chris Predd

  2. This is a wonderful piece. I love the quilting on the coral and on the fish, and I especially like his (her?) halo!!

  3. Very happy piece. I like the way you created your own winged character. Small the coral seems to blend in with the background but when I looked at a larger picture I could easily see it. Perhaps if you added some orange or yellow to it.
    I also know what you mean bout trying to do too much fracturing and making it hard on yourself. That was my problem when I first tried.

  4. I like that you went simple - I'm still struggling with mine and it's hard to keep it simple. I like your little fish and the rays of light must be what it looks like under the sea.

  5. Cute piece , well done. Fracturing for the light works very well.

  6. Carol, I love the way you fractured this piece. It really looks like rays of sunlight filtering through the water. The two toned bubbles are a nice effect too. Great job!

  7. I love this piece. The humor, the colors, everything. And the fracturing is what sets it off.

  8. I agree the fracturing enhances you composition and makes it much more interesting. You have accomplished what we all are struggeling with.

    Pat Havey

  9. Darling piece! And your fractured background really makes your special fish stand out.
    Well done!

  10. Carol, you have done a wonderful job with this challenge. Great color choice. Lot's of movement in this one and I really enjoy it.

  11. Just wait until Disney sees this one...I see a new movie coming! Perfect title too :-)
    You did a great job with the fracturing, something I think we have all struggled with on this challenge. Love it!

  12. So cute! She is adorable. Your fractures are so good! I wanted to get mine to do that but just couldn't find the answer! How fun!

  13. Hi Carol, You really nailed the fracture technique, congrats!
    I especially like the fractured bubbles.

  14. While I have never had a class with KPM, I did own her book...once. I sold it last year because I had seen some of these pieces which were done by others and done badly and I decided that fracturing just wasn't my cup of tea, so you and I both had to struggle getting over the hump of initial concept.

    Yours turned out great and you were daring to do more than one angle. I tried drawing mine out that way and decided I would be demented before being able to finish it, so hats off to you!

    Lisa Quintana

  15. Hi, Carol,
    Love the rays of light penetrating under the sea, and how you handled the effect of them on the fish and his wings. Just curious--did you try placing him elsewhere besides almost right in the middle? Maybe that is best, but I just wondered as some of those composition guidelines make me generally avoid this kind of placement.


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