Sunday, January 31, 2010


I decided on orange, green and blue as my colors and a winged maple tree seed "posed" against a maple tree leaf as my subject. I've wanted to try fracturing for a long time, so it was good to have incentive to actually do this. I've learned a lot, chiefly that this would have been more successful if I had paid more attention to value in addition to color. It was fun, however. Thanks for a great challenge!


  1. This is a wonderful piece! I wouldn't change anything about it. Your use of colors makes it appear as though the seeds are changing from the spring to fall. Your quilting is outstanding really enhancing an already great piece. The maple leaf behind gives the same spring to fall effect and also the seeds to the leaves a new to old reference.

  2. Thanks, Jan. This is the only piece I've ever made that looks better in the photo than in person. I don't know why, but hanging on my design wall, it looks a little confused and it's harder to see the focal point.

  3. I too love your colors, and especially the bright blue. Your stitching is beautiful in the closeup.
    Chris Predd

  4. Nice colors and a bit of a twist on the wings theme.....I like it!

  5. It turned out very nice. I really like your color choice. Perhaps a bit more fracturing on the leave? I know what you mean about values, that was certainly the struggle that I had.
    Great job Suzanne.

  6. Nice colors and a bit of a twist on the wings theme.....I like it!

  7. I also love your color choices. The winged seed pod if a great idea. Your quilting is right on.

    Pat Havey

  8. I love your winged object!

  9. Hi Suzanne, this is gorgeous...great job!

  10. Great colors Suzanne.. and your quilting is fab!
    Well done!

  11. Beautiful Suzanne! The piece is so graceful and elegant. The rich complimentary colors sing. Very nice!

  12. I love all the edges in this piece--all the jaggedy leaf edges contrasting with the smooth seed edges. And the quilting adds so much movement and dimension.

  13. Wow Suzanne, it is amazing how a simple item like a maple seed, can be so intriguing and beautiful when examined closely. You have done a fantastic job on this challenge, colors, quilting, fracturing all go to make this a very wonderful piece.

  14. Suzanne, your little piece is just beautiful. It is like looking at the seed pod through a microscope. All the little details are so well done. Such a clever take on the winged idea.

  15. Thank you, everyone, for your nice comments. This was a fun--and fast!--challenge.


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