Monday, February 01, 2010

Challenge 41 - Angel Banner

I needed a new sign for my booth for the art shows, so for this challenge I decided to fractured a label that I often use on my quilts. My colors were blue, purple and yellow. The banner is actually a crazy pieced fabric using whites/off-whites --- I needed some lighter area where my name will go. The whole thing is stitched to Timtex and it will be hung in my booth. It's approximately 8"x18". Looking at the picture on the screen, I realized the deep yellow piece in the lower right hand corner reads orange, not yellow. I may stitch something over that as it really sticks out. Thanks for your comments.


  1. That will be a great banner! How will you add your name? it's a sweet angel, nice fracturing, and I like the colors in the background.

  2. Thanks, Chris. I plan to satin stitch my name. I have to write it out first and then do the stitching. My new machine does a nice satin stitch.

  3. Hi Kathy, This is lovely, it has a stained glass look. I don't mind the orange piece, but perhaps if you added a few other colorful pieces along some of the darker lines, it could enhance it. a pretty rosy pink or fuschia, something warm like the orange which is a nice contrast for all the cool colors.
    Great job

  4. I like your new banner. Great job of fracturing the piece. Let us see it again when you get your name on the banner. As to the orange area. If you don't want to add other areas like Cynthia mentioned and you have some paint, you could dab some onto the piece to lighten it a bit. Or maybe you could even add some paint along the edges in other areas to pick up the orange color as Cynthia mentioned? I really like it!

  5. Very nice piece and you received some good suggestions on how to deal with the orange.

  6. Great job of fracturing and it will make a beautiful banner. I agree with Cynthia it does remind one of stained glass. Good job.

  7. Wow, what a great banner, yes a stained glass look. Re the orange on the right, even some painting over it or on the other side... or stitches...
    very innovative.

  8. Can't wait to see it with your name stitched! I like the unexpected orange strip. It's a nice contrast (and I always love asymmetry). Would make a lovely stained glass!

  9. Wonderful banner Kathy! Do post it again when you put on your name. I especially like the beam of light that your fracturing created behind the angel! Nice work.

  10. I love angels and this one is so beautiful. It fits your name.
    BTW - My sister's name is Angel..


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