Thursday, March 25, 2010

Cabernet Oak Hills

This is my landscape for Challenge #42. This was a real stretch for me. I am so happy that I got it done. (Its 14" X 16") With a little encouragement from my friends I even got my "manipulated" oak tree bumps included in the composition ( see detail close up). I used some hand-dyes and some commercial fabrics that were already folded. The foothills on the way to wine country are the most beautiful shade at sunset time. Its nice to be back.


  1. WOW! This is gorgeous! I love the way you've used the already folded fabrics that so resemble snow-covered farm fields. The 'oak tree bumps' as you called them add so much drama and excitement to these hills acting as though spring is trying to push through. The wee bit of warm sky is just the right touch to really finish off a spectacular piece. If you ever want to sell it let me know!

  2. Like, Jan, I love the way you used the pre-tucked fabric in this piece. This is very original. The tree bumps and fence lines give a great aerial view of the fields.

  3. Like, Jan, I love the way you used the pre-tucked fabric in this piece. This is very original. The tree bumps and fence lines give a great aerial view of the fields.

  4. Thank you both Jan and Linda for your up lifting comments...its hard working alone and feed back is always so appreciated..Yes, I would be happy to sell it. Let me bind it and photo it again. It would make me happy that it went to live with a quilter who understands how we struggle to create. Donna


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