Thursday, March 25, 2010

Prevent Forest Fires

Today I posted my #42 FFFC...not too fast or on scheduel..I did make it all photo does

not show the "real quilt".I could not pick up the black sparkled net "smoke" over the forest fire.

We went to Florida the day before this challenge was set...I had been snow dyeing black and red

acrylic paints for another project. I did not have time to finish the snow dye before we left home ...

so..I just poured off the melted snow and let the container sit in my laundry room.
I had crinkled up the fabric before dyeing and when I checked it when we got home the fabric was crinkled
and dyed black & red.
Perfect for manipulated fabric fire!!!With fabric glue and red metalic pieces I added
little strikes of fire... and sewed on some deer in the burned forest. The top blue skies and misty &
black trees. (My second thought was to make the sky bigger and put the fire into the blue and not
streight across)Too late!! Any way I quilted vertical lines and next added the sparkled black net for
smoke...hand stitched with embrodery thread. I cut the net bigger than the top and let it puff and
pleat as I sewed it on....I can't get the smoke to show on my photo.


  1. I like the fire effect you achieved. My only concerns are the deep blue sky and the harsh horizontal cutoff of smoke and blue sky. Perhaps the sky would be more fire related if it was more of a gray blue and maybe fraying the fire edge to soften it at the sky level? I do like the fire from the snow dyeing.

  2. I like the red/black fabric for the forest fire. The photo looks blurry to me but this may be caused by the netting "smoke". I agree that the skyline is too straight. Perhaps you could soften the skyline by appliquing a few tongues of fire shooting up, and/or some billowing smoke plumes. I like the metallic pieces for 'little strikes of fire'.

  3. Thank you Jan & Linda for your suggestions I think I will try some toungs of fire over the netting into the trees and blue skiesto make it not do streight across maybe a bit of paint too.... and I do think the netting makes the fire blury


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