Monday, March 29, 2010

I had done a silk painting and wasn't quite as pleased with it as I though I would be. So off to the fusing basket for the seaweed, shells and sand. Freemotion stitching covered the background and I "cheated" with fabric markers to enhance the fish. Now I'm happy!!!!!

Jane Stricker


  1. I like your silk painted fish...good job. Your seaweed shows good depth and you have very nice quilting. Very bright and cheerful.


  2. Your fish are lovely, I don't consider enhancing them with markers cheating, only part of the process. Your use of decorative stitching adds so much to the texture of the sand etc. Pretty piece

  3. I also love your fish painted with markers. They are terrific. A pretty and interesting piece. Good job!

  4. Smart to save the fish with markers. Your additions seem to have made and improvement and added more interest.


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