Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun Fiber Fish

I've been busy getting ready for surgery tomorrow and the subsequent hospital stay (the important tasks, you know: preparing and packing hand-stitching work and my drawing supplies), so I won't be able to make a new piece for FFFC #43. I do have something on hand, though, that I'm submitting:

This is one of the first mixed-fiber, embellished pieces I ever made when I started working with fabric about 3 years ago. I had painted and quilted the background fabric as a way to practice both, and I hate the thought of wasting anything, so I started covering the fabric up. The piece is 9"h x 11"w.

The fish was stamped with paint onto fabric using a hand-carved stamp, stitched, then cut out as an appique and applied to the background. Beads were stitched over the fish and onto the background fabric as "bubbles."

The seawood is free-form cut fabric strips stitched down the center, and fun-fiber yarns are couched over the bottom area and through the top as seawood.

White coral (left) is made from beads stitched onto the background. Purple coral (right) is thread lace created by stitching on water-soluble stabilizer.

The jellyfish is loose strands of yarn with fabric stitched over the top to hold them down.

The edges are finished with zig-zag stitching; I think I could probably block this to get the bottom to lay straighter, but it just hangs in my craft room to make me happy.


  1. WOW!! That's a lot of detail for a small piece. I can see why it makes you happy. The fish seems happy too.

    It's a very nice piece--bright and colorful with a good variety of textures to admire. I really like the purple and white corals.

    Good job and I wish you well on your surgery.


  2. Lots of detail derived through all the different yarns and beads. I especially like your purple coral. Looks almost real. Nice job!

  3. Your seaweeds and corals are amazing! I really like the asymmetric balance created with the fish, jelly, and purple coral. The beaded white coral is lovely.

  4. This is an amazing piece. So much detail on such a small surface. Lots of interest and color. The beads and lace are particularly effective.

    I wish you well with your surgery.

    Great job!

  5. What a wonderful piece, so full of sparkle and interest. Your little angel fish is adorable, I can see why he makes you happy. Hope all goes well with your surgery.

  6. I love your puprle leaves

  7. I can't believe how much detail you got in this small piece. The fish and the purple leaves really compliment each other and the jelly fish adds just the right complementary color.

  8. Great piece. All the beading really makes it special.


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