Monday, March 29, 2010

Jelly Ballet

For this challange I decided to try the impossible task of duplicating jelly fish. It was quite a vhallange for sure! The background is hand painted silk. The fish are chiffon over hand dyed silk bodies with thread painted lower body on one fish and lace tenacles on the other one. The bodies are beaded with sequins for the bubbles. I wanted to show the sun rays in the water so I quilted those in. The background is quilted with more jelly fish. The tenacles are all thread painted with Superior Glitter thread. Thannk you for a great challange. All comments are more than welcome.

Pat Havey


  1. This is a wonderful piece! I like the ingenious construction of the jellyfish, and I really love the creative quilting on the background!

  2. Great dimensionality brought to this quilt with your fabric folding on the jellyfish. Unique way of looking at them from underneath. The sun's rays help to draw one's eye upward. Like it!

  3. You did a great job with your jelly fish. I think they are a difficult subject and you captured them quite well. Very effective use of the dyed fabric. Nice thread work and quilting.

  4. Best one yet! I think it's simply beautiful, especially the sun streaking through the water...great interpretation of this challenge!

  5. I also like the sun shining through the water and the way you quilted the upper part of the piece. There is no doubt in my mind that I am looking at jellyfish. So, indeed you were successful. I am curious about the size of this piece.

  6. thanks everyone for all your wonderful comments and compliments. I forgot to mention that this piece measures 13"x18" with a very irregular boarder. Pat Havey

  7. Your jelly fish are cool - I like the quilted ones. They are really hard to do.

  8. I like the sun streaming through tis piece and the way you made the jelly fish. Very nice.


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