Wednesday, April 28, 2010

April May and June

#44 Flower Children "April, May, and June"

The children are dancing about in silk flower dresses on a quilted background. I rolled the edges to the back...mitered the corners and stitched from the back.

The dolls I had made for some doll pins and they were unfinished. So....I fashioned their dresses from silk flowers and beads...fabric markers for faces and shoes. I sewed the dolls onto the quilt. (16 1/2 X 12).


  1. Adorable flower children you made. My only suggestion would be to place them onto a background fabric where they'll stand out more and not get lost in the other big flowers.

  2. What a fun and lively piece, clever too!

  3. They are very cute.
    They remind me of Christmas ornaments I made one year. I put a face on a bead for a head and put them on upside down flowers for their skirts.

  4. Cute piece, It looks like they are hiding in the flowers.


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