Wednesday, April 28, 2010

My Favorite Flower Child

Is my only granddaughter, of course! This is a small quilt and will remain unfinished for now since I had foot surgery two weeks ago requiring an incision on the sole of my right foot and I've found my left foot doesn't run to motor foot as well as the right so it will wait for another few weeks to be quilted.
I used a photo of my granddaughter, fused some old flower fabric and mushroom fabric to a practice piece of hand dyed cloth. I then cut petals from some orange fabric and pieced them around her face, fused them in place and then added the bud leaves and stem the same way. I'm thinking that maybe I can make it into a birthday card and give it to her when she turns 13 in June.


  1. Jan this is adorable! I love the way the petal frame your granddaughter's face. The whole composition works well together with cheerful colors. Great job on this challenge!

  2. Wonderful piece. I love the way you added the other flowers around her.

  3. This is terrific. I love that, although you put all kinds of stuff around her, to me the face really seems to pop out. This must have been fun to do. Great response to the challenge.


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