Monday, April 05, 2010

California Kelp Forest

This is really the underwater piece for the March challenge. I love underwater...being part fish myself, so I posted an older underwater extravaganza while I worked on this one. I wanted to create the flow and texture of the kelp as the currents move it around. the red fish are Garabaldis that live in the kelp. I experimented on the kelp to test different methods of quilting.

Comments and critiques are very welcome because I am doing a series and want to improve.


Sea Ranch, CA


  1. Oh, this really takes me back Carol. My hubby and I used to dive in these kelp beds in the early 70's. This is a terrific representation! You have certainly captured the graceful movement in the sparkling waters. (although, more often than not, the visibility was nowhere near so crystal clear...LOL).

  2. Very nice. I like the color/fabric choices, and those little pops of red are perfect!

  3. This almost looks real! I think your experimentation with different quilting stitches on the kelp adds to the realism of this plant. The fish really do look real and the water behind, too. Great choice of fabrics for your subjects.

  4. Very realistic!! Your piece shows gentle flow and texture quite well. Perfect background fabric. The Garabalis are well placed for balance and realism. Nice thread work.


  5. This has a wonderful luminosity as if the sunlight is shining through the water. Both the watery background and the kelp have that lit feeling. The little fish help us navigate through the piece. Very nice. If you want to do more in the series, how could you convey the swishing in the waves?

  6. This is a great piece, Carol. I especially like your use of color to show depth and luminosity.

  7. I've only ever snorkeled once, so don't have a real feel for it. But your kelp certainly made me feel like I was right there!

  8. Hi Carol
    Wow what a great piece. This really captures the feel of sunlight underwater....and shinning though the kelp beds....Your quilting makes the leaves pop and I like the little red fish as an accent color...How big was this piece...I am still working on my Sea Dragon which I hope to post in a few usual but I loved the topic and I love the flower children too...Donna (TSR)

  9. I loved this, Carol, when you showed it at our guild meeting, but I was dying to get up for a closer look and a little touch! The shapes and lines and colors are all beautiful. My only challenge to you, as you think of a series, would be to consider that here the water is background and the kelp, foreground. In the ocean, the water would be all around so you might alternate areas to advance and recede or use some "water threads" in front of the kelp . . . just a thought.

    Chris (TSR)


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