Tuesday, April 06, 2010

In Profile

This is my contribution for the April Challenge. It is small, only 4"x8", but is packed with detail. I used an orange veggie bag, over-stitched with metallic thread for scales, and fused a sheer for the fin. All in all, this was fun. I have been out of the loop for the past few months due to a very demanding teaching schedule and this was just what I needed to get re-motivated.


  1. I love the cropped fish-head closeup! I have always wanted to use things like the orange bags and other kitchen leftovers, and your application is very effective!

  2. Great little piece and choice of fabrics and other materials to construct it with. I love your quilting, too.

  3. Wow!! You did achieve lots of detail in your small piece. Very innovative piece. I like that you used recycled materials and enhanced them with thread work. He looks pleased with his appearance.


  4. Again - another small piece with amazing detail. I like your use of the veggie bag for scales - very unique.


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