Sunday, May 02, 2010

Flower Child - 10" x 10 3/4"

A bit late getting this one done and posted, but here we are. This piece, "Flower Child", was fun to do once I decided what to do. It was not my first idea - the first and second ideas were too complex to finish in a busy week, even as a study. I like the colors and the face of the woman in this.

The fabric for the face was created by dyeing white fabric using Sharpie Markers and Alcohol. The outline and features of the face are from a book which allows me to use them, just want to be clear that you know the face is not my original design. The flowers are Lutrador with a thin coat of Gesso applied before running it through the printer. The flowers are attached in the center only. The dimension is implied by some of the pieces of hair falling over each other and the placement of the flowers.

I'm done with this for now, but may pull it out again. My daughter was here and declared she wouldn't mind having it 'in a frame, with lots of beads and perhaps an earring'. Perhaps that will happen.

As always comments about how to improve are very welcome.

Betty Warner


  1. I am really drawn to your piece, Betty. It has a wonderful loose and flowing feel to it, and brings back memories of the flower child era. Is your background also done with a sharpie and alcohol?

  2. Thanks for your kind comments, Ann. I should have stated that the background is a batik I had in my stash. I think it would be fun to try to create a background fabric like that using either Sharpies or another dye.

  3. It's lovely and I wouldn't change a thing! Your daughter will be lucky to receive her.

  4. Very nicely done. It does bring back memories. I do think it would be lovely framed. To me, having a daughter who wants a piece of your artwork is wonderful.

  5. Oh this is wonderful. I love the way you stylized this. It reminds me of one of my favorites, Matisse!

  6. Lovely piece, so soft and peaceful. The sharpie and alcohol gave a great result for the face. Your flowers add just the spark this piece wanted. Good job! - Glad Janice mentioned Matisse, it's right on.

  7. The overall effect evokes an era very well, but mostly I am fascinated with all the techniques and materials used. Sharpies and alcohol are a new concept to me and I'd love to learn more about it. Lutrador and gesso and the printer, too! Impressive combination of approaches, and done fast, as well as beautiful.


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